Film Starlet 837 Pics 6 Videos
- Sex: All the time
- Age: 20
- Height: 5'2
- Sign: Taurus
- Location: Los Angeles
- Occupation: Porn/CEO of my company
- Ink/Metal: My right arm has a Kewpie doll (Doug), and a stack of tea cups (Brandon). My left arm i have album art from an amazing band called
- Scars/Birthmarks: Oh god i have so many scars!
- Music: Fear Before, Minus the Bear, Interpol, Blonde Redhead, Massive Attack, Mum, Jane's Addiction, The Knife, Pinback, Uffie, Justice, M.I.A., Smashing Pumpkins, Sigur Ros, Led Zepplin, Mewithoutyou, Portishead, and more i cant think of.
- Movies: All High School Musical's! Narnia, SEX AND THE CITY, Wiker Park, Eternal Sunshine, A Very Long Engagement, Garden State, Resident Evil, Amelie, anything Disney.
- Videogames: ugh
- Food: Anything veg i can get my hands on! I love food!
- Books: i love to read and theres way to many to narrow it down to this little list.
- Hobbies: Sexing, loving, shopping, tattoos, drinking tea, and boyfriend time!
- Best Time: Anytime i have sex with the love of my life! Ive never had such amazing sex. It honestly gets more amazing everytime!
- Fantasy: Sex in seattle cuz its really rainy and cold so it would be the best sex ever cuz youd be all warm and stuff.
- Fave Position: From behind, and on top
- Masturbation Material: The boy i go to bed with everynight!
- I Have a Crush on: A man that rules the streets, and house!
- Perfect Match: Levi Garrett.
- Drink: Water and Sprite
- Smoke: Ciggys :(
- Bad Habits: Nail bitting being lazy nd making messes that drive my boyfriend insane
- Where I Hang Out: My house
- Favorite Burning Angel: Audrey, Joanna, asphxia, jessie lee, cali and all the ones i havent meet or forgot to mention cuz im tired.
- Why I am a Burning Angel: Because i have cute tattoo's and joanna likes my butt and cuz i like hers back, and cuz i like being naked on the internet!
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Im like Super Horny for some girl loving!
09.07.10 10:44 PM
Ive been like really horny lately. And having these vivid dreams of girls (my two favorite girls on the site) going down on me. Im pretty sure i need to make this into a video. "Allisters dream comes true!" and i get to tell them what to do and they'll all crazy on my vag in the dream and all that good stuff and ill wake up from the dream and go to the closet and the girls will be sitt... continue reading
helllo, where is the rain?
11.08.09 11:28 AM
Its been some time since I've written, I'm absolutely hating my life in california lately I'm so sick of this place and the hot all the time weather god don't we ever get any rain anymore!? can someone who lives in portland or even better seattle like trade houses with me!??? eh, anyways, i saw my new photo set and thought it was super fun! I'm glad everyone enjoyed it. Im also excited about al... continue reading
Pregnant Porn?
08.21.09 03:49 AM
please tell me your thoughts?im freaked out by the whole thing!!!! ... continue reading
03.08.09 04:29 PM
Im just writting a little update! lifes been sooo boring lately and ive been wanting to go out and have like a good night out but i realised i have no friends who like going out anymore! were like the group of people under 25 that are really 75! i mean seriously how hard is it to find someone who wants to go out and have a drink or just go dance? eh! Anyways in other news! ILL BE 21 IN L... continue reading
GIRLSSS I NEED HELPPPP!!!! please read!
01.24.09 08:35 PM
read my previous blog for info im to lazy to type it alll again! but please do check it out if you live in the la area pleasse!!!Aliister ... continue reading
01.23.09 04:15 AM
I need two or three girly preferably in the la or surrounding areas to send me pics of them in bra and undies! im trying to find some girls to take pictures for me for my line of vintage accessories. i want the pictures to be like old school pin ups in very simple lingire with my line incorperated in. i cant really pay alot but im sure we can work something out! so please help me, like my nudie... continue reading
12.08.08 04:22 AM
Im so tired! ive been doing so much! i started my own like Accessories line and i sell like vintage puyrses that i make pretty fancy and head and hair pieces and brouches etc. but god it takes alot of time! its exhausting having to make it all but in the end when i finish a iece im so happy that its done and looks awesome! we'll ive got to go to bed i have to wake up at 530 to go to the swap me... continue reading
New sexy video w/ my bf!
11.03.08 04:40 AM
Yeah so my boy and i did a video and now its in the store for sale its call True Fucking Love and its awesome! I hope everyone buys it and lovvveeesss it as much as i loved doing it! so go buy it and tell me what you think!!!! Love you all!Allister ... continue reading
08.29.08 03:36 AM
So i got a message from Joanna saying the girl on this site named asphyxia wants to do a video with me and i do think i will take her up on her offer! I think its about time i do some more fucking! theres like a growing list of girls i would love to fuck on here! of course i would love to fuck Audrey again! it just came so natural it was like we were meant to fuck haha!MuahAlliste... continue reading
07.25.08 02:41 PM
so the new pics ar up and i love them i hope you all do to! there from my first set ever so its weird to see myself from then. i have beeen really busy and sick and life pretty much has been sucking> my doggy sam is sick right now and it makes me wanna cry every time i look at his sad face cuz i expect to see my smilling man =( i need to start a donation fund for me to help pay his medical b... continue reading