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- Sex: vagina-ish
- Age: twenty fffffwhore
- Height: Midgey
- Sign: Feesh
- Location: Don't fuck with JERSEY
- Occupation: Gangster
- Ink/Metal: i gots some
- Scars/Birthmarks: i got a beauty spot on muh boob
- TV: its always sunny, trueblood, big love, oprah, (yea I watch oprah fuck you)..and of course..THE JERSEY SHORE
- Movies: Repenetrator was a pretty hot movie.
- Videogames: no.
- Food: cunts. there fat free
- Hobbies: rollerderby, fitness, sewing, illustrating, baking, cooking italian foods, sexes, goin down the shore
- Fantasy: NINJAS
- Fave Position: doggy stylin
- Masturbation Material: Home and garden
- I Have a Crush on: a real doll named tasha. shes made out of nylon ball and socket joints but i dont hold it against her
- Perfect Match: My asshole would match the paint chip at home depot called burnt eggplant
- Drink: Bacardi and diet..i drink like a woman. get over it i am one.
- Smoke: I quit :-)
- Bad Habits: diarrhea of the mouth
- Where I Hang Out: my room
- Favorite Burning Angel: your mom
- Why I am a Burning Angel: sticken it to the MAAAN.
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who the shitake is Azrael Arden?
12.07.10 10:34 PM
Its just me with a super hero kinda name. I'm Horrible at acting. I am always myself wich can be both good and bad. I say it over and over again and here it goes for the thousandth time...I rather a geniune middle finger than a fake hello. If I don't like you..YOU WILL know it. :-) and if i do ...I will grace you with my blunt grotesque sense of humor. Embrace that. I Like cats a lot they are so cute when I see one I feel violent inside and I want to squeeze them. I listen to rap, hip hop, reggaeton, punk, hardcore, metal..and dance music. When i started this site i was a 21 year old pretentious punk .WELP.. I am not a punk anymore! na... continue reading
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Juelz Ventura is COOL
12.19.10 02:04 PM
who the fuck is this girl? i love her. and ARE FAKERS!!!!
12.19.10 02:00 PM
thats so annoying, sorry this happened to you! but hey at least your famous enough people want to pretend to be you!
12.08.10 10:33 PM
Aw thanks xoxo
who the shitake is Azrael Arden?
12.08.10 10:33 PM
Thank youuus :) xoxoxox