Photo Starlet 141 Pics
- Sex: You can see me naked. Do I really have to answer this?
- Age: 25
- Height: 5'
- Sign: Sag.
- Location: Imagination Land.
- Ink/Metal: Ears, nose, belly, septum. Not terribly exciting. But more soon to come!
- Scars/Birthmarks: two cigarette burns on my left forearm and a birthmark on my left pinkie.
- Music: ACDC, black flag, the dead boys, iggy and the stooges, iron maiden, new york dolls, queen, reverend glass eye and his wooden legs, the tiger lilies, the dresden dolls, humanwine, acid bath, sam the sham and the pharaohs, murder city devils, the misfits, samhain, GWAR, alice in chains, babes in toy land, hole, the buzzcocks, leftover crack, the velvet underground, david bowie, queen adreena, rage against the machine, bob dylan, johnny cash, tom waits, the ramones, rasputina, reverend horton heat, social distortion, headwig and the angry inch, dethklok, white zombie, jack off jill, chuck berry, tiger army, (old) tool, the dead kennedy's, DVDA, 3 inches of blood, the cramps, tenacious d, the dropkick murphys, powerglove, ween, x-ray spex
- TV: Eew, gross!
- Movies: Entirely too many to list. 0_o
- Videogames: Yuck.
- Food: Does smoking a cigarette count?
- Books: most things neil gaiman and chuck palahniuk.
- Hobbies: Getting naked on camera.
- Best Time: Yesterday! Well, I don't know if it was the best, but it was the best in a while. My boyfriend is so hot!
- Fantasy: Doing my boyfriend in the butt with a strap on. It's never gonna happen, but a girl can dream, right?
- Fave Position: There are all too many. I am deceptivly bendy. :P
- Drink: Arrogant Bastard, hoegaarden... If I'm feeling girly I'll have a CapeCod-er or a dirty ho or a whiskey sour.
- Bad Habits: I have no organizational skills whatsoever.
- Favorite Burning Angel: Just about all of them. I have yet to see a girl on here who's boobs I don't want to play with.
- Why I am a Burning Angel: I get off on attention. No really. It makes me masterbate and stuff.
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