Dana DeArmond
Film Starlet 607 Pics 2 Videos
- Age: 26
- Sign: gemini/goat
- Location: super/porn/star/hero
- Ink/Metal: cherries. on the crotch. and i have invisible tattoos that you can only see under a black light. pussy piercings and stretchy ear holes.
- Music: 40 gig ipod. i love the jesus sisters.
- Movies: american psycho, wet hot american summer, super troopers, stuntgirl 2 starring kimberly kane. belladonna's evil pink.
- Food: ribs. pie. cock & pussy.
- Books: sidekick2 holler!
- Best Time: the time princess donna fisted me in the bathroom.
- Masturbation Material: i fuck robots.
- I Have a Crush on: mitch fontaine.
- Why I am a Burning Angel: I was one of the original burningangel girls. They asked me very nicely. They knew me back in the day when I wouldnt even spread my legs! Now im getting ass fucked for them!