Film Starlet 1456 Pics 7 Videos
- Sex: please! AIM= dravensays / thedoomdoll.com
- Age: 22
- Height: 5'3. Im kinda tiny.
- Sign: Cap/Aquarius. Im a cusperrr.
- Occupation: Model Extraordinaire, Stripper Fantasy. Spank Bank Material.
- Ink/Metal: I used to have like, everything listed, then I got over that. I have a Burning Angel tattoo, the rest, you can see for yourself. ;D
- Scars/Birthmarks: right upper thigh is most visible, I guess. and I have a red one on my boob. I guess that means Im a vampire or some shit.
- Music: The Cure. AFI. Orgy. The Smiths. Le Tigre. Death Cab for Cutie. Ben Kweller. Ladytron. Bikini Kill. Apoptygma Berzerk. Fiona Apple. Lacuna Coil. Massive Attack. Dispatch. Elliot Smith. Pixies. Kanye West. Justin Timberlake. Eve. Silversun Pickups, MSI, Poison the Well. I like a lot of different shit...It changes a lot, too.
- TV: Secret Lives of Women, CSI:/CSI:NY, To Catch A Predator, Shitty, shitty reality tv that rots my mind and anything on TruTV. Three Rivers.
- Movies: Hackers. Good Will Hunting. Dead Poets Society. Life of David Gale. Dahmer. If These Walls Could Talk 2. Waynes World.
- Videogames: Rock Band and anything on the Wii. I can buttonmash on fighting games like a motherfucker.
- Food: Food doesn't suck. Buy me good sushi and I'll probs put out.
- Books: HARRY MOTHERFUCKING POTTER!!!! Tons of Serial Killer shit.
- Hobbies: Singing. Shakin' my moneymaker. Other fun stuff.
- Best Time: I live for BA orgies.
- Fantasy: Harry Potter.
- Fave Position: All of it.
- Masturbation Material: Naked bitches. Lots of them.
- I Have a Crush on: Ladiessssss.
- Perfect Match: it better be a hot chick.
- Drink: Jameson or Vodka, please.
- Smoke: a few things. ;D
- Bad Habits: I curse a lot, even when I try to censor myself. I smoke and drink. I'm always on my phone, I treat my dogs like they're my kids and I get stressed easily.
- Where I Hang Out: Everywhere. Pay attention to my blog and find out www.thedoomdoll.com
- Favorite Burning Angel: I wanna do them all. Yep.
- Why I am a Burning Angel: Im a huge perv and I love hot girls.
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12.08.10 05:52 PM
Hey guys!So I will be hosting a horror show in the chat room here on Burning Angel! Its in the events page, which you guys should be checking out all the time because us ladies are always doing something rad.Anyway, it was scheduled for tomorrow night at midnight, est. However, some douche hacked the site yesterday.To make sure that our epic talks of horror and serial kille... continue reading
11.22.10 10:29 PM
OKAY SO, last year I was nominated for an AVN award and it was really really great.This year I was hoping to get nominated, but I really didn't know if I would be or not. So when twitter told me the nominations were out, I was read the list of nominees.I saw this...Unsung Starlet of the Year... continue reading
10.25.10 12:07 PM
So, coming up in like, less than 2 weeks is Exxxotica NJ. Im glad they started owning the 'NJ' part, because it was kind of silly to say 'EXXXOTICA NY...in NJ' hahahaIn any case, this year I get to sign with Jessie, Misti, the lovely Bella Vendetta, my Kleio and of course, Joanna! Im pretty excited. I love all of these girls and to be honest, a girlie weekend full of smutty goodness soun... continue reading
Oh heyyy
09.13.10 01:54 PM
Lookie! I have a new video up over on Heavy Metal Pussy Party!!! Im sure all of you guys are taking advantage of the full membership so you can go see it. I don't get to do solo scenes often, so this is fun. :) I hope you guys dig it!! You should leave comments and let me know!So in 12 days, I will be on my way to and arriving at my new house with Bella Vendetta in western MA!! I cannot ... continue reading
Life Changes. (photos)
08.22.10 11:39 PM
So Ive been home for a few days. Sorry about my procrastination, guys! About a week ago, I spent 10 days with Bella Vendetta! I love her and we always have the best times together. Not to mention we have all these amazing times up in the mountains where its beautiful. Fuck yeah mountains.... continue reading
08.05.10 07:41 PM
So! Im a real person again!I went and bought myself a macbook pro and Im excited to play with it and learn wtf Im doing on this thing. Ive never had a mac before! Eek! This means Ill be blogging more and also, youll see my silly face in the chatroom more. Get excited!So, the past couple days have been, interesting. I got this laptop, rad. Work has been eh, but yesterday I did good... continue reading
Chicago, Hand tattoos and JA3!
07.23.10 06:41 PM
So, Kleio, Joanna, Jessie Lee, Phoenix, Misti and I went to Chicago this past weekend for the Exxxtacy convention and to throw a party/Joanna feature dance at the Admiral. To be honest, I was very excited to be back in chicago, but a little nervous because I hadnt been there since the last time I was there with my ex. I had the best time EVER. The convention was so much fun. We sold a lot of dv... continue reading
Conventions and Kleio
07.12.10 04:57 PM
So, Im in LA! Yay! Ill be here until the 27th, so, whats good, west coast angels?This weekend was Exxxotica LA. It was pretty rad. Joanna had Dave make us a SIIICK booth. There were HUGE painted photos of Joanna, Kleio, Sparky, Dana DeArmond and I. Unfortunatly, they will be painted over so that the booth can be turned into a clothing store for the next feature. A new feature? Gee, that ... continue reading
06.20.10 08:53 PM
Ive gotten epic news in the past few days.You guys will find out about it soon enough. Its pretty awesome. Im stupid excited.SO Im gonna be in LA in about 2 weeks. What hot west coast BA girls are trying to kick with me? Who wants to smoke and like, watch movies and cuddle and shit? Or we can go drinking and you can watch how funny I am when I drink whiskey. Either way, lets m... continue reading
So happy..:)
06.07.10 10:54 PM
So, I just spent an amazing week in my hometown with the amazing Bella Vendetta and her awesome husband, Trash.Theyre so cute its insane. Im kinda thinking of moving back to MA, so, maybe Ill see them more often. :)Anyway! Today was SO AMAZING for me!I found out I get to sign at 2 upcoming conventions, Ill be shooting soon again and the greatest news is...1. I will be g... continue reading