Film Starlet 183 Pics 2 Videos
- Sex: Female
- Age: 25
- Height: 5 foot 7 inches
- Sign: Gemini
- Location: Cheltenham
- Occupation: Model/Designer
- Ink/Metal: Chest piece (sacred heart in waves) and wrist tattoo (stars and pretty things). Piercings: septum, stretched ears, lips x2, toungue, nipples x2 and navel.
- Scars/Birthmarks: Small birthmark on my right boobie ;)
- Music: El Mariachi el bronx, August Burns Red, Elvis, Simon and Garfunkel and Lil Wayne.
- TV: Entourage, Ugly Betty, My Name is Earl, Born Survivor with Bear Grryls and River Cottage.
- Movies: Deathproof, Inglorious Basterds, Planet Terror, 28 days later, Very Bad Things and I love you man.
- Videogames: I'm a lover of fighting games!! Street Fighter rules!
- Food: Sushi! nomnom!
- Books: Anything by Lisa Jewell.
- Hobbies: Making clothes, dancing around naked and baking...naked.
- Best Time: On holiday in Portugal..fucking like rockstars..me and my bf on the balcony, over looking the hotel... hell yeah!!
- Fantasy: 3 girls and my bf and a lot of champagne!
- Fave Position: Doggy all the way!
- Masturbation Material: The ladies of BA of course!!
- I Have a Crush on: Jamie Presley
- Perfect Match: My bf, what a hottie!
- Drink: yes please!
- Smoke: nooo
- Bad Habits: Biting my nails
- Where I Hang Out: Backstage at gigs
- Favorite Burning Angel: Kitty
- Why I am a Burning Angel: Because I am horny as fuck!
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01.24.10 08:46 AM
Heyyy! I've been gone way too long! Over the Christmas break its been hectic, work, gym, work, gym. But I'm back now =) I beg you to go check out the stunning Miss Genocide's Green Apple set, hot as hell!! That girl is perfection to me. Also, head to the Store and pick up the New DVD, European Vacation, watch the likes of me, Joanna, Holly D, Skin and loads more bang in ... continue reading
Who LOVES big titties?!!
11.16.09 02:00 PM
Hey sexy beasts! Exciting news.....my first video is up!!! =) Please go to: bigboobsarecool.com and watch the amazingly sexy Joanna bang me senseless!!! Trust me, this is hot!! And wow....Joanna's strap on is HUGE!!! ... continue reading
Hahaha Flo Rida
10.25.09 11:52 AM
Soo i'm drinking Baileys and just watched the Strangers.....I'm disappointed. It was like half a movie, wheres the rest dammit?!?!! My plans for the next few weeks: book in my next tatt, I still have my sugar skull to be done next week too. Im thinking of having my sleeve done and I'm getting the ideas together yay! Halloween party at the Nite Owl in Cheltenham on the 31... continue reading
10.22.09 01:32 PM
Wow, it's been too long since I've been on here and I'm sorry! Sooo I've gotten a new tattoo, its on my left thigh and its gorgeous! It was done by Sam Ricketts at Mantra in Cheltenham. The man is amazing at tattooing!! I recommend him 100%. The tattoo is the first 2 lines of the poem, High Flight by John Magee. I'm also waiting to get my next one, its a sugar skull and its gon... continue reading
Dung Beetle
09.20.09 02:50 PM
That's what I feel like! Pushing crap all day! So, it seems my weeks are getting worse BUT there are sprinklings of good times. I was summoned to my local tattoo shop Mantra yesterday and asked to pose as a Playboy bunny for a clients tattoo. :) My payment is in the form of a tattoo, I will show you pics when it's done! I also have my next tattoo booked in for the 17th next mo... continue reading
09.10.09 01:31 PM
I had a bad day :( Maybe I should quit my day job and bang girls all day instead?! Would be much more fun thats for damn sure. So just a quick update, I'm off the the Le Mans at Silverstone on Saturday, fast cars, ice cream and fun driving games, bring it on!! In Novemeber I've got tickets to see El Mariachi El Bronx :) YEAH!!! I've been waiting for this ... continue reading
Gay Paris!
09.05.09 06:35 AM
Sooo, I'm back from Paris, wanna know what I did there? ;) I've just done 2 sets for BA!!! I did a rather hot and sexy set with Joanna (who by the way, is absolutely fucking gorgeous and such a great fuck!) and a dirty bang with Skin (who is possibly the sweetest and naughtiest girl ever!). I can't wait to see the pics and the vids and I hope you all feel the same way... continue reading
Best way to spend the bank holiday!
08.27.09 03:10 PM
Sooo, about to have the most exciting weekend in a long time, I'm not saying what I'm up to but you will all see eventually. Gonna be so much fun! x... continue reading
08.21.09 02:59 PM
Hi there!I'm new, from the wonderful UK :) I take my clothes off at the click of fingers mmmm I make cupcakes and I run around the streets in undies at 1am. I spend too much time doing a job I dont love and not enough time louging around! I love this site, I love the girls and I'm looking forward to being on here a whole hella lot more!!! Add me on t... continue reading
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12.27.10 05:41 PM
12.27.10 05:32 AM