- Sex: http://twitter.com/negro_joe
- Age: 21
- Height: 5 11
- Sign: Cancer
- Location: New Orleans, LA
- Occupation: I sling coffee and pasteries
- Ink/Metal: none...yet
- Scars/Birthmarks: afew here and there
- Music: Nine Inch Nails, Dragons Of Zynth, TV On The Radio, Saul Williams, Joy Division, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Autolux, Bauhaus, Radiohead, The Cure, Shellac, Big Black, Rapeman, Tom Waits, A Tribe Called Quest, David Bowie, The Stooges, Suicide, The Roots, NERD, The Velvet Underground, to name afew
- TV: Lost, House, The Simpsons, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Law and Order, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Squidbillies, The Venture Brothers
- Movies: Star Wars, Pulp Fiction, The Dark Knight, X2, Princess Mononoke, a shit ton of shit i can't remember worth shit at the moment
- Videogames: Marvel Ultimate Alliance, The Metal Gear Solid series, Super Smash Bros
- Food: I'm from the Lousiana, so all that stuff that's really good but bad for you!
- Books: Big Bad Love, Native Son, The Dead Emcee Scrolls, ...Said The Shotgun To The Head, The Autobiography Of Malcolm X, The Grapes of Wrath, Blood Meridian, Catcher In The Rye
- Hobbies: I read alot of X-Men and Batman comics, i fuck around making music that no one will hear, and I'm almost always THAT guy
- Best Time: In the morning, in her parents house, right after a hardy breakfast. It was literally fucking win.
- Fantasy: Pinky Lee
- Fave Position: Doggy style
- Masturbation Material: This website
- I Have a Crush on: Pinky Lee, Joanna, Pixie Pearl, Jessie Lee, Mayhem
- Perfect Match: A chick who plays music and digs comic books
- Drink: my 5pm starts at 11am
- Smoke: No
- Bad Habits: Pulling knots out of my hair, being a smart ass, making turbo puns
- Where I Hang Out: Abandoned power plants along the Mississippi River, coffee shops,
- Favorite Burning Angel: Pinky Lee, Andy San Dimas, Joanna Angel
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Lost final episode...a big WTF
05.24.10 11:23 PM
These guys pretty much nailed it. You gotta keep in mind things that they kept saying throughout the show (i.e the notion of you either live... continue reading
Green Apple Debut
01.20.10 09:40 PM
About goddamn time! And totally worth it God yes!! Aaaaaaah!
Sunburnt Hottie
01.04.10 08:41 PM
Ahhh a new Pinky Lee set. Someone goddamn loves me here.
My friends first Girl On Girl action
12.15.09 04:21 PM
Was totally thinking that beer pong game was going to end in sex. So no matter who lost, everyone won.
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