- Sex: As often as I can afford it...
- Age: Do you remember Super Friends on Saturday mornings? The Rubiks Cube and Big Wheels? Seventy five cent comic books? A black Michael Jackson? No? Then I'm older than you...
- Height: Tall enough that my feet reach the ground...
- Sign: NO TRESPASSING. I've got it hanging just above my heart...
- Location: Primarily inside my own head...
- Occupation: Would-be despot, with a secret desire to make it big on Broadway...
- Ink/Metal: My body remains un-pierced and un-adorned. It's the only way I'll get the security deposit back...
- Scars/Birthmarks: A very old reminder on my ankle of an encounter in my youth with a piece of jagged glass...
- Music: All time favs: The Tea Party and Soundgarden; currently excited by: Alexisonfire, City and Colour, and Dragonette; worth mentioning: my growing selection of anime theme songs, an eclectic blend of pop, rock, and hip hop whose lyrics I can't understand, but enjoy nonetheless...
- TV: Currently? Castle, Fringe and Star Wars: The Clone Wars demand my undivided attention. Everything else is just varying degrees of background noise while I surf for porn...
- Movies: Couldn't even narrow this one down to a top ten list...
- Videogames: Never enough damn time...
- Food: I could eat...
- Books: I'm a fan of William Gibson and Neil Gaiman; I've enjoyed Clive Barker in the past. Beyond that, it's all about the comics...
- Hobbies: Did I mention comics...? They top a list of passions that reads like a geek manifesto...
- Best Time: When it happens, I'll let you know...
- Fantasy: To be nothing but words on a page...
- Fave Position: Fetal...
- Masturbation Material: Burning Angel, baby! Wooo...! (Okay, where's my free t-shirt...?)
- I Have a Crush on: You. Don't tell anyone...*blush*...
- Perfect Match: You know what? I tried to come up with something pithy for this question, but it defies all attempts at wit. I think it might be broken...
- Drink: Chocolate Milk...
- Smoke: ...Screen. Oh, wait...were we not doing word association?
- Bad Habits: Nothing but. Behold the boy that bad habits built...
- Where I Hang Out: In worlds of my own devising...
- Favorite Burning Angel: Might as well ask me my farourite colour. How could I choose just one...?
- Why I am a Burning Angel: Hot goth/punk/alt girlies+reasonable subscription fee=happiness...
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243 commentsview all
12.28.10 11:44 PM
I'm not big on talking about what's on my mind either, blackroseorchid; the only way for me to be honest is through the written word. I sa... continue reading
12.28.10 07:53 PM
Welcome, Ms. Rose! The pics in your personal gallery have certainly whet my appetite for your upcoming photo sets and vids; with this brie... continue reading
Happy new year?
12.28.10 05:40 PM
I've never been one for optimism, Maven, but I can't help but approach the coming of each new year with more than a little excitement, as if... continue reading
A Christmas recap!
12.28.10 04:22 PM
That sound you hear? It's my stomach rumbling... :) I'm glad--and more than a little jealous ;)--to hear of how well you've been eating th... continue reading
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