- Sex: Male
- Age: 32 But i look way younger!!
- Height: 5 foot 6 inchs I am a short ass!!
- Location: Hereford
- Occupation: Factory worker
- Ink/Metal: None
- Scars/Birthmarks: Afew little ones from getting beat up!
- Music: Dance music baby!! House , Trance anything with two or more turntables or CDjs!!
- TV: Lost , House , Chuck , True Blood , Life , 24 and many more!
- Movies: Jeez so many dude!!
- Videogames: Metal Gear Solid , Resident Evil , Grand Theft Auto and many more!!
- Food: Paste!! And loads of frute
- Books: Slaine Comics
- Hobbies: Working out!!
- Best Time: Any time would be nice!! :-)
- Fantasy: Same as any other guy! Two girls and me!! I also just love to see girls fingering themselfs in places they should not be masturbating!!
- Masturbation Material: Porn!! This place Burning Angel , ALS Scan , Brandi Belle , Lez Cuties and afew more!!
- I Have a Crush on: On this site!! Joanne Angel , Audrey , Allister. On other sites Maria Ozawa , Sophie moone , Brandi Belle and more but i can't remember at the moment!
- Perfect Match: ?
- Drink: Tea i am English after all!! I'm not much of a lager drinker so i like drinks like Smirnoff Ice or red-bull and vodka always works!!
- Bad Habits: Wanking!! And spending money on porn and then wanking again!!
- Where I Hang Out: At home most of the time!
- Favorite Burning Angel: Joanne Angel
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14 commentsview all
Holiday Elf
12.24.10 03:06 PM
Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas! You are a very naughty Elf indeed! Nice set from my Fav Burning Angel! Merry Christmas Kleio!
Bean Bag Debut
12.22.10 11:14 AM
Wow! Welcome to BA Juliette! You look beautiful in this set!
Best Bartender
08.06.10 12:09 PM
Kleio u r so beautiful!!! Awesome pics!! :)
Pink Panties
07.11.10 09:04 AM
Got to love those wet fingers!!! I hope there's a vid to go with this?? ;-)
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