- Sex: male
- Age: 29
- Sign: cancer
- Location: dirty jersey
- Occupation: machine shop asshole
- Ink/Metal: some pinups and demons
- Scars/Birthmarks: plenty of scars (thank you iraq)
- Music: from job for a cowboy to velvet acid christ and a lot of in between
- TV: sons of anarchy, flight of the concords
- Movies: repo man
- Videogames: if i ever play any i prefer the violent shoot em up ones
- Food: anything goes with food
- Hobbies: motorcycles, women, going anywhere i haven't
- Best Time: a weekend bender with two italian chicks in germany
- Fave Position: d. all of the above
- Masturbation Material: i'm a guy i don't need much
- I Have a Crush on: half the girls on this site, zooe deschanel shes cute
- Drink: yes
- Bad Habits: never on time
- Favorite Burning Angel: Azrael "gotta support your jerzey girl"
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peter steele. :(
04.17.10 12:59 AM
any true type o fan knows the live shows are what made them especially if you were a new york new jersey fan you got to see them several tim... continue reading
Deal Breakers
04.17.10 12:57 AM
ah there a classic for good weather, especially driving with the windows down, just saying
Cars Make Me Hot
03.05.10 11:59 PM
beautiful, an amazing set
My vacation photos
02.09.10 12:47 AM
welcome back to the cold haha
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