- Sex: Yes please.
- Age: 22
- Height: 5'9
- Sign: Sagitarius
- Location: Orlando, Fl
- Occupation: Student
- Ink/Metal: four tat's, back piece, shing, thigh, and calf.
- Scars/Birthmarks: lots
- Music: Metal, rap, indy, and punk.
- TV: Afro Ninja! The big bang theory, and dr. House
- Movies: The crow, star wars, and kill bill
- Videogames: WoW, Cod, and Diablo.
- Food: Everything but quiche.
- Books: Choke, Fight club, Enders game, and more.
- Hobbies: What ever entertains me at the time.
- Best Time: Night time
- Fantasy: I want to be dominated
- Fave Position: Pile driver
- Masturbation Material: Interwebs
- I Have a Crush on: Skin
- Perfect Match: A girl that can dress down and hang with the guys
- Drink: yes
- Smoke: yes
- Bad Habits: some
- Where I Hang Out: the garage
- Favorite Burning Angel: skin
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20 commentsview all
Ladie & The Fucking Tramp
11.26.10 09:46 PM
Awesome video! Helped me make a mess on my keyboard
Bar Bathroom
11.12.10 05:46 PM
Love me some kylee.
Cabin Debut
11.11.10 02:15 AM
I'm hoping for a video!
Ghost Cunters
11.08.10 01:54 PM
Awesome video, I'm sad I didn't see it before now.
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