- Sex: Sure, I have some time to kill..
- Age: 28 and Handsome ;)
- Height: 5'8
- Sign: Virgo
- Location: Nj/Ny/Az
- Occupation: Motorcycle Designer and Builder
- Ink/Metal: Full Sleeve, Half sleeve, and soon enough Im starting my chest piece.
- Scars/Birthmarks: A few but there in areas covered by clothing.
- Music: Rock, Hip hop, House, aaaaaand anything else that'll make me tap my foot.
- Best Time: Morning 2nds usually make me smile..
- Drink: often.
- Smoke: Never touched it.
- Bad Habits: Telling the truth with out a sugary coating..
- Where I Hang Out: Northern Nj and Ny
- Favorite Burning Angel: you...
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Best Bartender
12.28.10 10:44 PM
Envy i couldnt agree more
Texas POV
12.28.10 10:42 PM
my oh my where have you been hiding?! i love the set missy, keep it up.
Golden Bedroom
12.28.10 10:25 PM
my oh my you've grown quite the set...
Domestic Nude
12.28.10 10:23 PM
So very very lovely.
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