- Sex: male
- Age: 27
- Height: 6'6
- Sign: leo
- Location: Washington
- Occupation: bum
- Ink/Metal: tat(s) gauged ears
- Scars/Birthmarks: lots of scars, I play hard
- Music: all (seriously... except country)
- Food: used to be veg, now omnivorous
- Hobbies: climbing, music, blazing, sex, fun
- Best Time: w/ the sexy nordic godess that I love
- Fantasy: too many to name
- Fave Position: doggy
- Masturbation Material: mind
- Drink: yes please!!
- Smoke: da kine
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3 commentsview all
Smoke Out
07.28.10 04:24 PM
my two favorite things! amazing set!
I'm a Bartender
06.04.10 05:32 PM
I AM a bartender and I fucking wish I worked with girls like you!! so hot!
LA Pornfadential
01.18.10 12:34 AM
ummm, holy shit... that was fuckin hot.
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