- Sex: Male
- Age: 20
- Height: tall
- Sign: Libra
- Location: UK- Nottz
- Occupation: Student
- Ink/Metal: Nose Ring, Leg ink
- Scars/Birthmarks: Scar on my balls from catching my penis in the zip.
- Music: Hardcore/ metal
- TV: Nature
- Movies: Science of sleep
- Food: Vegan
- Books: The invisible man
- Hobbies: Being Rad, Making films
- Best Time: In my local library
- Fantasy: Spiderman vs marry jane
- Fave Position: Lotus flower
- Masturbation Material: THIS
- I Have a Crush on: mary jane watson
- Perfect Match: mary jane watson
- Drink: EDGE
- Smoke: EDGE
- Where I Hang Out: My house.
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9 commentsview all
Sexy Schoolgirl
12.04.10 10:06 AM
I had a teacher with slight resemblance you.. haha
Pool Table Hottie
11.17.10 05:43 AM
Orgy in Aisle 5
11.17.10 05:41 AM
So much time for this video, and so much time for the pizza too..
Ghost Cunters
10.29.10 02:47 PM
An AMAZING Halloween weekend treat :D
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