Ive been like really horny lately. And having these vivid dreams of girls (my two favorite girls on the site) going down on me. Im pretty sure i need to make this into a video. "Allisters dream comes true!" and i get to tell them what to do and they'll all crazy on my vag in the dream and all that good stuff and ill wake up from the dream and go to the closet and the girls will be sitting in there waiting to pleasure me like my little slaves and ill smile and it will be over. and it will all be my exscuse to just make my dreams a reality! YES!...

Film Starlet 837 Pics 6 Videos
- Sex: All the time
- Age: 20
- Height: 5'2
- Sign: Taurus
- Location: Los Angeles
- Occupation: Porn/CEO of my company
- Ink/Metal: My right arm has a Kewpie doll (Doug), and a stack of tea cups (Brandon). My left arm i have album art from an amazing band called
- Scars/Birthmarks: Oh god i have so many scars!
- Music: Fear Before, Minus the Bear, Interpol, Blonde Redhead, Massive Attack, Mum, Jane's Addiction, The Knife, Pinback, Uffie, Justice, M.I.A., Smashing Pumpkins, Sigur Ros, Led Zepplin, Mewithoutyou, Portishead, and more i cant think of.
- Movies: All High School Musical's! Narnia, SEX AND THE CITY, Wiker Park, Eternal Sunshine, A Very Long Engagement, Garden State, Resident Evil, Amelie, anything Disney.
- Videogames: ugh
- Food: Anything veg i can get my hands on! I love food!
- Books: i love to read and theres way to many to narrow it down to this little list.
- Hobbies: Sexing, loving, shopping, tattoos, drinking tea, and boyfriend time!
- Best Time: Anytime i have sex with the love of my life! Ive never had such amazing sex. It honestly gets more amazing everytime!
- Fantasy: Sex in seattle cuz its really rainy and cold so it would be the best sex ever cuz youd be all warm and stuff.
- Fave Position: From behind, and on top
- Masturbation Material: The boy i go to bed with everynight!
- I Have a Crush on: A man that rules the streets, and house!
- Perfect Match: Levi Garrett.
- Drink: Water and Sprite
- Smoke: Ciggys :(
- Bad Habits: Nail bitting being lazy nd making messes that drive my boyfriend insane
- Where I Hang Out: My house
- Favorite Burning Angel: Audrey, Joanna, asphxia, jessie lee, cali and all the ones i havent meet or forgot to mention cuz im tired.
- Why I am a Burning Angel: Because i have cute tattoo's and joanna likes my butt and cuz i like hers back, and cuz i like being naked on the internet!
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Im like Super Horny for some girl loving!
09.07.10 10:44 PM

11 sets 837 picsview all

6 videosview all

19 favsview all

180 friendsview all

11 commentsview all
questions? comments?
08.13.10 06:47 PM
i have a question! why havent you called me i miss you! can you please send me a loving text or something i lost your number. also can we do... continue reading
Plushy Perving
11.08.09 11:05 AM
haha i was wondering when or if this would go up, its kinda creepy pervy like so i thought it may not go up. but i'm happy it went up and u ... continue reading
Hipster Debut
02.23.09 07:02 PM
can we have sex? i think i love you!
Jailhouse Fuck
01.18.09 05:06 AM
oh wow i didnt know this was up till just now! i havent been on in awhile and come to find a new picture set and video are up! woo hoo!