Film Starlet 178 Pics 2 Videos
- Sex: lady
- Age: 21
- Height: 5'4
- Sign: pisces
- Location: California
- Occupation: stripper, cam girl, monster
- Ink/Metal: peircings: septum, nostril, tragus, nipple, marylin, industrial, 7/16 ears Tattoos: lots and more to come
- Scars/Birthmarks: some
- Music: the dresden dolls, misfits, bikini kill, iggy pop, tom waits, peaches, the knife, trash talk, youth brigade, edith piaff, velvet underground, nick cave, rasputina, subhumans, henry rollins, rolling stones, the doors, distillers, hole, babes in toyland, mirah, metric, jolie holland, agent orange, L7, NWA, Buck 65, atmosphere, clorox girls,etc.
- TV: six feet under, buffy the vampire slayer, true blood, family guy
- Movies: pinkey violence films, oldboy, the tenant, rosemary's baby, ghost world, pulp fiction, harold and maude, le roi de coeur, pan's labyrinth, slacker, etc.
- Videogames: nope
- Food: sushi
- Books: geek love, albert camus, joyce carol oates, james joyce, jd salinger, simone de beauvoir, susie bright, francesca lia block, satre, paradise lost, wuthering heights, lovecraft, anne sexton, langston hughes, david sedaris, neruda, the fall, middlesex, henry miller, anais nin, invisible monsters etc.
- Hobbies: making porn, painting, missing people I have never met, show, playing my cello, comic books, dancing (not very good at it though), arts and crafts, making fun of people, running away, writing bad poetry, changing out with my cats, museums, swimming in dirty lakes, singing tone deaf in the car.
- Best Time: Mr. James Darling
- Fantasy: choking, couple BA girls, in a classroom, lots of spanking
- Fave Position: doggie
- Masturbation Material: BA and good erotica (yup I masturbate while reading)
- I Have a Crush on: spock
- Perfect Match: so far my cat
- Drink: elderflower soda, tea
- Smoke: american spirits
- Bad Habits: stalking people, smoking
- Where I Hang Out: places
- Favorite Burning Angel: oh my: jessie lee, joanna, draven, jayded, rubella, bellavendetta, phoenix, kelly lind, i can keep going
- Why I am a Burning Angel: what's hotter than getting fucked on camera and having people masturbate to you?
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got to cuddle with someone i hadnt seen in years 12.29.10
interview, parties and visits from the angels
11.14.10 10:54 AM
This last month was very interesting. First I was interview my a site called "Porn Valley Vantage" if your curious you can read it here: http://pornvalleyvantage.com/?p=366 I went to the Upper Floor's Halloween party, it was like a circus. People beating each other in one corner, people fucking in another, champagne, cute boys ( Wolf Hudson and Mickey Mod), hookas, and clowns (Hollie Stevens). It was kinda of a crazy night, I woke up on the couch of the model living room. The next day was Jiz Lee's 30th birthday orgy. It was a 30 person orgy on the 30th for her 30th. I got to fist J... continue reading