I've been told have a lot of drive.. It must be true because I have been kicking ass dancing and working the pole. It's rather strange me even being able to perform a job of that nature, but actually it's had a really positive influence on me! I'm not half as weird and awkward. It's a lot easier for me to approach people and party and be part of the conversation. Since I've been In Los Angeles my social anxiety has improved so much. I no longer only live on the internet!! Yay!!
I Have a pole in my living room actually! Best home Decor I have ever bought! It does keep me inside a lot along with my new black kitten Victoria!
I have been patiently waiting for my desk to arrive!! I NEED to be editing video again! It's driving me Mad. I just Bought a new 7D camera with HD video! I'm a couple grand out my wallet but HD VIDEO!! oh gawd I'll never leave the house! but fuck it My computer is my best friend! My computer and it's programs.... <3 <3