Film Starlet 543 Pics 2 Videos
- Age: 21
- Height: 5'4
- Sign: Virgo
- Location: The South
- Occupation: I party!
- Ink/Metal: Did someone say metal? jud, jud, jud,chugga-chug chug, weeeee!
- Scars/Birthmarks: Don't roll your car.
- Music: I've been listening to a lot of Anberlin and Coheed & Cambria lately. Random.
- Movies: Hot Rod, Napoleon Dynamite, Donnie Darko, Big Fish, Pineapple Express. I love dumb movies.
- Videogames: no thanks.
- Food: Pizza and beer! Wait, you don't eat beer... does beer count?
- Books: School books, gross.
- Hobbies: Crusin' in the beetle with the windows down and a cutie beside me.
- Best Time: SHOW ME.
- Fantasy: oh gosh.
- Fave Position: The way that the doggies do it.
- I Have a Crush on: Legal or not, who isn't in love with a Cyrus? Really.
- Perfect Match: Oh 200 miles....
- Drink: Margaritasss!
- Smoke: No way fool.
- Bad Habits: I worry about everything, I eat and drive, I have a serious Starbucks addiction & I make that stupid baby voice when I'm around animals.
- Where I Hang Out: Where the babes hang out!
- Favorite Burning Angel: Joanna, and Allister, and Morgan Mae... just pretend its one girl.
- Why I am a Burning Angel: It's my secret plot to do it with Adahlia >:]
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Much needed blog.
02.05.10 01:13 PM
Wow it's been SO long. I figured since I had a set go up, it would be a nice time for this. I feel like I say this every time pictures go up, but, wow, those are two years old. Hahahah I look pretty much exacly the same though. I got a few more tattoos; most important, I added on to my stomach to make it way bigger and better. I also got an Anberlin tattoo! It's the only band tattoo I'll get, I promise. They say Dismantle Repair. EMOOOO right? Sorry it's not a better picture. I woke up, checked twitter, saw I had a set up, took sidekick picture (YES, I am still rocking a sidekick). Hmm, new stuff. I'm going to Disn... continue reading

7 sets 543 picsview all

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24 commentsview all
Snack Time
07.24.09 11:56 AM
Just for the record I don't smoke. Peer Pressure!Peer Pressure!Peer Pressure!
Leather Skirt
05.19.09 11:45 PM
you are SOOOO pretty!
Heeb Storytelling
03.19.09 04:20 PM
That was so funny I giggled the whole time
At Home
02.23.09 02:54 PM
You are always the cutest. I miss your face.