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  • Sex: vagina-ish
  • Age: twenty fffffwhore
  • Height: Midgey
  • Sign: Feesh
  • Location: Don't fuck with JERSEY
  • Occupation: Gangster
  • Ink/Metal: i gots some
  • Scars/Birthmarks: i got a beauty spot on muh boob
  • TV: its always sunny, trueblood, big love, oprah, (yea I watch oprah fuck you)..and of course..THE JERSEY SHORE
  • Movies: Repenetrator was a pretty hot movie.
  • Videogames: no.
  • Food: cunts. there fat free
  • Hobbies: rollerderby, fitness, sewing, illustrating, baking, cooking italian foods, sexes, goin down the shore
  • Fantasy: NINJAS
  • Fave Position: doggy stylin
  • Masturbation Material: Home and garden
  • I Have a Crush on: a real doll named tasha. shes made out of nylon ball and socket joints but i dont hold it against her
  • Perfect Match: My asshole would match the paint chip at home depot called burnt eggplant
  • Drink: Bacardi and diet..i drink like a woman. get over it i am one.
  • Smoke: I quit :-)
  • Bad Habits: diarrhea of the mouth
  • Where I Hang Out: my room
  • Favorite Burning Angel: your mom
  • Why I am a Burning Angel: sticken it to the MAAAN.
who the shitake is Azrael Arden?
12.07.10 10:34 PM
Its just me with a super hero kinda name. I'm Horrible at acting. I am always myself wich can be both good and bad. I say it over and over again and here it goes for the thousandth time...I rather a geniune middle finger than a fake hello. If I don't like you..YOU WILL know it. :-) and if i do ...I will grace you with my blunt grotesque sense of humor. Embrace that. I Like cats a lot they are so cute when I see one I feel violent inside and I want to squeeze them.  I listen to rap, hip hop, reggaeton, punk, hardcore, metal..and dance music. When i started this site i was a 21 year old pretentious punk .WELP..  I am not a punk anymore! naw aw, I am just me ..a cardigan and jean wearing corporate right wing asshole..and im happier than ever being a lil older and knowing who I am. I have a boyfriend who I love very much and I like doing log rolls across his bed in the morning and rolling over his body and yelling stteeeaaam rolllerrrr at  the ass crack of dawn..but i dont like when he does it to me cuz i can hear my bones cracking underneath him. .. I'm a chocoholic :-) for reals. I quit smoking and lucky for society i dont drink as much as I used to. Im a Manhatten business woman ...I wake up go to work sleep repeat and i wouldnt have it any other way. I need to work to be happy. I am blessed to have grown up with a great family. I love new jersey and being a jersey never leaving! According to other burning angels and James deen  I have an accent. I am recently aware of this as well.  I am going on my Fourth year of being on burning angel..can you believe it!? Looking at my pics I have grown and changed so much mentally and physically. what the hell was i thinking with that blue hair :-) The smalls tattoo on my stomach is a nickname my friends call me because I am 4'11. If you don't like it thats fine, I like it and thats all that matters its on my body. *Hiiisssssss* ...I hiss like a cat at people when i am crabby and i forget that not everyone knows me well enough to hiss at. Also I have been the champ at "thats what she said" jokes for a consecutive 3 years at work. I am very tan and pictures dont show it..but I am tanorexic as morgan mae likes to call it ... alright time for bed..ready to start another day in the city in my not so exciting ..but happy life. xoxox
Comments (6)
12.08.10 10:33 PM  
Thank youuus :) xoxoxox
12.08.10 10:33 PM  
Thank youuus :) xoxoxox
12.08.10 08:27 AM  
You are one of my favourite BA girls and I dig everything about you. You're amazing. You're actually one of the reasons I even checked out this BA in the first place. I may live in Australia and not quite get the stuff about certain cities in America and certain jokes, but I know what I like and I REALLY like you. Keep up the good work... PS Cats Rock!!!
12.08.10 08:27 AM  
You are one of my favourite BA girls and I dig everything about you. You're amazing. You're actually one of the reasons I even checked out this BA in the first place. I may live in Australia and not quite get the stuff about certain cities in America and certain jokes, but I know what I like and I REALLY like you. Keep up the good work... PS Cats Rock!!!
12.08.10 01:39 AM  
business woman? manhattan? say it ain't so!! you actually look like a different person when i look at your earlier stuff to your latest. it looks as though the transition hit major from the "Birthday Suit" set to the "Black Couch" one. anyway, HIIIISSSSS!!!
12.08.10 01:39 AM  
business woman? manhattan? say it ain't so!! you actually look like a different person when i look at your earlier stuff to your latest. it looks as though the transition hit major from the "Birthday Suit" set to the "Black Couch" one. anyway, HIIIISSSSS!!!
12.08.10 12:45 AM  
I think you're a hottie & I love the way you tell it like it is.
12.08.10 12:45 AM  
I think you're a hottie & I love the way you tell it like it is.
12.07.10 11:36 PM  
You're an absolute treasure, you know that? Promise that you'll never leave BA, Ms. Arden, because the loss would be immeasurable; to my mind, you're one of the best things about this site, and given how many great things it has going for it, that's no small thing. If you have a superpower to go with that superhero name, I'd wager that you're packing as much awesome in that petite frame of yours as 100 really awesome people... :)
12.07.10 11:36 PM  
You're an absolute treasure, you know that? Promise that you'll never leave BA, Ms. Arden, because the loss would be immeasurable; to my mind, you're one of the best things about this site, and given how many great things it has going for it, that's no small thing. If you have a superpower to go with that superhero name, I'd wager that you're packing as much awesome in that petite frame of yours as 100 really awesome people... :)
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