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Film Starlet  947 Pics  6 Videos
OFFLINE       VIEWS: 83104
  • Sex:
  • Age: 69
  • Height: 5'6
  • Sign: virgo
  • Location:, CA
  • Occupation: I model and now I'm putting out a website-
  • Ink/Metal: Ink: I have 23 tattoos in various places. See for yourself. Metal: Monroe, belly button, ears.
  • Scars/Birthmarks: Many
  • Music: Templars, The Dwarves, Horror Pops, Oxymoron, The Clash, Joan Jett, The Specials, The Pixies, The Smiths, Depeche Mode, Disipline, Agnostic Front- there is way too much to put down, I'm finished.
  • Movies: Top Gun, True Romance, The Illusionist, Troy, Sin City.
  • Food: French Toast, Sausage.
  • Books: Dante, Nietzsche, Carl Jung.
  • Hobbies: Reading, swimming, other things I can't tell you because I would get in trouble
  • Best Time: Yesterday
  • Fantasy: It's a secret
  • Fave Position: Doggy style
  • Masturbation Material: Men in uniform, keni styles and Asa Akira
  • I Have a Crush on: Nailhead, Masuimi Max, Jane, Chelsea, Eden, Misti Dawn, Keni Styles
  • Perfect Match: Too many to list
  • Drink: No
  • Smoke: Hell yeah
  • Bad Habits: look above
  • Where I Hang Out: In Misti dawns bedroom
  • Favorite Burning Angel: Jane and Chelsea
  • Why I am a Burning Angel: I don't know
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The New Oitomboy!! I guess there was another site error- Oh well, here's what's up?
12.24.10 05:42 AM
This is the second day of the 5 days of content. I started with my first boy/ girl/ girl video with Asa Akira and Keni Styles and today with an amazing photo set of Krysta Kaos. There are 3 more days of awesome! Go see the new site! OiTOMBOY.COM Love you guys! ...
My Testimonials
88 testimonialsview all
11.04.10 03:13 PM  
11.04.10 03:13 PM  
10.18.10 04:10 AM  
I had a dream of you last night. Unfortunately it was pretty g-rated. You were playing acoustic guitar at a punk Fest (kind of like a mix of Insubordination Fest (Baltimore, MD), The Fest (Gainesville, FL), and Awesome Fest (San Diego, CA). It was just instrumental on a classical guitar, but you had this insane technique where you had picks on every finger and you picked all the strings really fast and shit. Anyway, the new set is fucking hot, but that's to be expected of you. I hope you're having a good one!
10.18.10 04:10 AM  
I had a dream of you last night. Unfortunately it was pretty g-rated. You were playing acoustic guitar at a punk Fest (kind of like a mix of Insubordination Fest (Baltimore, MD), The Fest (Gainesville, FL), and Awesome Fest (San Diego, CA). It was just instrumental on a classical guitar, but you had this insane technique where you had picks on every finger and you picked all the strings really fast and shit. Anyway, the new set is fucking hot, but that's to be expected of you. I hope you're having a good one!
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My Pics
16 sets   947 picsview all
11.16.1089 pics
10.11.1055 pics
07.05.1069 pics
05.13.1055 pics
03.01.1050 pics
12.07.0941 pics
08.31.0957 pics
06.22.0979 pics
My Videos
6 videosview all
11.30.1012 mins
10.26.1048 mins
05.17.10 mins
11.19.0822 mins

My Favorite Burning Angels, Pics, and Videos
23 favsview all
06.26.0961 pics
Film Starlet
02.20.0982 pics
Film Starlet
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My Comments around the site
158 commentsview all
Cum Down South
12.06.10 06:29 PM
Yay, Misti is everywhere! Such an amazing girl! Misti's first DP is exclusively on too!
Cage Stripper
11.02.10 12:13 AM
I love you, you sexy bitch!!!
Fuck A Douchebag
10.12.10 01:02 AM
I love you, Krysta!!! You sexy bitch!
The Shaft
10.12.10 12:58 AM
I love you, Tommy!
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