Cali Nova
Film Starlet 540 Pics 7 Videos
- Age: 21
- Height: 5' 1
- Sign: Taurus
- Location: Los Angeles
- Occupation: www.myspace.com/Cali_Nova
- Ink/Metal: Too many to list.
- Music: Rock & Roll
- TV: The Cleaner
- Movies: The Boondock Saints.
- Videogames: Fight Night on XBOX
- Food: Mick's jizz.. James's jizz.. Mr. Pete's jizz.. Dane's jizz.. and Brian's jizz!
- Books: Fuck em!
- Hobbies: Fucking Kalen Chase :)
- Best Time: Was in a tattoo parlor, in a bar bathroom, under a freeway bridge, in a booth at a club, in a park pool, fuck if i know which was best!
- Fantasy: Fucking Jared Leto or Bill Kaulitz
- Fave Position: I love them all!
- Masturbation Material: Pocket rocket... butt plug... and some lube.
- I Have a Crush on: Joanna Angel!
- Perfect Match: Kalen Chase
- Drink: I'm a fish!
- Smoke: I'm a chimney!
- Bad Habits: Fuck drugs and guys who do them!!!!!!
- Where I Hang Out: Burgandy Room or Tinys in Hollywood
- Favorite Burning Angel: Joanna Angel, Eden, Jane, Allister, Cadence, Envy, and Joy
- Why I am a Burning Angel: Because everyone is awesome. Duh!
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My first blog...
07.04.08 03:14 AM
So some sexy bitch keeps telling me I should post blogs... Well here's my first!!! :) How is everyone liking burning angel? It's pretty awesome. If anyone has any compliments, complaints, or suggestions... feel free to shoot me a message or comment to my myspace at www.myspace.com/cali_nova. Anyways, so I'm coming down with some weird sickness, possibly bronchitus. I'm quite under the weather. If anyone feels like droppin by my new place and making me some chicken noodle soup feel free. ;) hahaha. Be sure to pick out the chicken cuz that shit is gross in canned soups. Also... continue reading

10 sets 540 picsview all

7 videosview all

9 favsview all

62 friendsview all

5 commentsview all
Outdoor Strip
11.25.08 12:46 AM
i couldn't agree with you more jane. we should definately shoot an art school inspired set! it would be hot!! eden you crack me up haha. FAP away! haha ;)
Outdoor Strip
11.24.08 11:04 PM
thanks guys! glad you liked the set :) as for joanna, you can be apart of brian and my secret society any day haha. i think you passed the j... continue reading
Sexy Time
09.02.08 07:43 PM
hope everyone enjoys the set :) mick blue was a blast to work with... and brian... you too will have a special place... in my pants ;)
Brian's First Time
07.23.08 06:06 PM
hey joanna you're forgetting about me! not just 4 penises haha. sheesh! hope everyone enjoyed this video as well as cum on my tattoo 4! ... continue reading