
Photo Starlet 568 Pics
- Sex: female
- Age: 26
- Height: 5'5
- Sign: Sagittarius
- Location: Phoenix, AZ
- Occupation: whatever
- Ink/Metal: Nikko Hurtado, Nick Baxter, Vic Back
- Scars/Birthmarks: I have this weird little birthmark on the underside of my right boob. its cute.
- Music: whatever you think will make me cool.
- TV: planet earth
- Movies: http://www.theauteurs.com/users/202604
- Videogames: *ahem* arcade games. Ms. PacMan. I will destroy you.
- Food: vegan stuff
- Books: ishmael by daniel quinn 100 years of solitude by gabriel garcia marquez
- Hobbies: cooking, baking, flipping through Vogue and finding my dream wedding dress.
- Best Time: maybe Im a hopeless romantic.....
- Masturbation Material: my imagination.
- I Have a Crush on: Mac's dad from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia
- Perfect Match: My grandparents
- Drink: champagne
- Bad Habits: smelling like dirt and salt, being super scatterbrained, having a little bit of a superiority complex. Whoops.
- Where I Hang Out: trains, buses, planes, road trips.
- Favorite Burning Angel: me.
- Why I am a Burning Angel: i really respect joanna as a business woman and i love her as a human being.
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new video blog!
11.27.08 08:07 PM

9 sets 568 picsview all

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3 commentsview all
Pink Room
02.22.10 03:23 PM
woah john and billy. those are really sweet comments. fyi, ill probably never be anyone's "bitch" If you were ever lucky enough to get ... continue reading
Green Chair Stripping
02.16.10 01:38 PM
guys, i swear if i had known that was a slipknot mask i wouldnt have put it on. I guess it makes y'all the nerds for even knowing what the hell that thing is!
08.29.09 05:53 PM
this looks AWESOME. I need to up my game on the pole. Im in a rut. I would also LOVE to learn silks. Wish I lived in NY :(
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