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- Sex: please! AIM= dravensays / thedoomdoll.com
- Age: 22
- Height: 5'3. Im kinda tiny.
- Sign: Cap/Aquarius. Im a cusperrr.
- Occupation: Model Extraordinaire, Stripper Fantasy. Spank Bank Material.
- Ink/Metal: I used to have like, everything listed, then I got over that. I have a Burning Angel tattoo, the rest, you can see for yourself. ;D
- Scars/Birthmarks: right upper thigh is most visible, I guess. and I have a red one on my boob. I guess that means Im a vampire or some shit.
- Music: The Cure. AFI. Orgy. The Smiths. Le Tigre. Death Cab for Cutie. Ben Kweller. Ladytron. Bikini Kill. Apoptygma Berzerk. Fiona Apple. Lacuna Coil. Massive Attack. Dispatch. Elliot Smith. Pixies. Kanye West. Justin Timberlake. Eve. Silversun Pickups, MSI, Poison the Well. I like a lot of different shit...It changes a lot, too.
- TV: Secret Lives of Women, CSI:/CSI:NY, To Catch A Predator, Shitty, shitty reality tv that rots my mind and anything on TruTV. Three Rivers.
- Movies: Hackers. Good Will Hunting. Dead Poets Society. Life of David Gale. Dahmer. If These Walls Could Talk 2. Waynes World.
- Videogames: Rock Band and anything on the Wii. I can buttonmash on fighting games like a motherfucker.
- Food: Food doesn't suck. Buy me good sushi and I'll probs put out.
- Books: HARRY MOTHERFUCKING POTTER!!!! Tons of Serial Killer shit.
- Hobbies: Singing. Shakin' my moneymaker. Other fun stuff.
- Best Time: I live for BA orgies.
- Fantasy: Harry Potter.
- Fave Position: All of it.
- Masturbation Material: Naked bitches. Lots of them.
- I Have a Crush on: Ladiessssss.
- Perfect Match: it better be a hot chick.
- Drink: Jameson or Vodka, please.
- Smoke: a few things. ;D
- Bad Habits: I curse a lot, even when I try to censor myself. I smoke and drink. I'm always on my phone, I treat my dogs like they're my kids and I get stressed easily.
- Where I Hang Out: Everywhere. Pay attention to my blog and find out www.thedoomdoll.com
- Favorite Burning Angel: I wanna do them all. Yep.
- Why I am a Burning Angel: Im a huge perv and I love hot girls.
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Okay. Off to Casey's to dance with my girlies. I hope they dont mind that Im not wearing a lot of makeup! 12.28.10
12.08.10 05:52 PM
Hey guys!So I will be hosting a horror show in the chat room here on Burning Angel! Its in the events page, which you guys should be checking out all the time because us ladies are always doing something rad.Anyway, it was scheduled for tomorrow night at midnight, est. However, some douche hacked the site yesterday.To make sure that our epic talks of horror and serial killers and my tits won't be interrupted, my show has been moved to NEXT thursday, the 16th. Still at midnight est. Or you could say friday morning if you wanna be a dick about it hahaha.So get excited and DONT MISS IT!! In other news... continue reading

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Internet Hookup
12.16.10 01:38 PM
Girl, you are so fine. You need to live in purple eyeshadow.
12.09.10 02:14 PM
Also, I hope your man gets better soon. You deserve a break from all the stress of it and he deserves to be healthy. Sorry, the medical shit... continue reading
12.09.10 02:13 PM
Fuck YEAH speculums. Put one in meeeeee
Joanna & Jiz Lee
12.09.10 02:11 PM
OH. MY GOD. Im so in love with Jiz it's RETARDED. Im jealous and wet all at the same time. Well played, Joanna, Well played.