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Film Starlet  569 Pics  2 Videos
OFFLINE       VIEWS: 84659
  • Sex: Fembot
  • Age: 27
  • Height: A little over 5 foot
  • Sign: Cap/Sag, I'm a solstice baby...
  • Location: Houston, TX
  • Occupation: Model
  • Ink/Metal: Just check out my pics.
  • Scars/Birthmarks: Quite a few little scars, one birthmark on my thigh and a tiny one on my ass.
  • Music: Oh gosh! I listen to so much music. At the moment: FAQ, NIN, Alana Davis, MSI, Combichrist, Black Tie Beats, Abandon Pools, David Bowie, and Baxter.
  • TV: LOST, Lie to Me, House, Fringe, Carnivale, and lots of stuff on BBC America
  • Movies: Interview With a Vampire, Appleseed, Lain, Momento, Domino, Fight Club, Labyrinth, The Princess Blade, Versus...
  • Videogames: I LOVE rpgs, final fantasy games, the kingdom hearts games, I will kick your ass at Swing-Away Golf! I also play Everquest 2 and Tetra Master online.
  • Food: Airheads Extreme Sweetly Sour Belts (yum!), tv dinners, lots of rice and pasta dishes. I love pasta!
  • Books: When I do get the time I enjoy Anne Rice, Stephen King, Elizabeth Wurtzel...
  • Hobbies: does playing online count as a hobby?
  • Best Time: Would be anytime my guy spanks me. It is so HHOOTT!! But the runner-up would be the 6 girl orgy. That was fun!
  • Fantasy: Me and my girl with a double sided dildo...Always wanted to try that...
  • Fave Position: On all fours, being spanked...
  • Masturbation Material: Anything with 2 hot girls.
  • I Have a Crush on: My boyfriend Zack, Trent Reznor, and David Bowie.
  • Perfect Match: Zack...
  • Drink: I love vodka and wine
  • Smoke: Here and there...
  • Bad Habits: Watching too much t.v....^_^
  • Where I Hang Out: At home...
  • Favorite Burning Angel: Don't have a fav.
  • Why I am a Burning Angel: Cause it's my hot body and I'll do what I want!! - Cartman
I'm Back Bitches...
11.10.10 12:20 AM
Its been a long time, my friends.

My surgery was a success. Until three weeks into my recovery I was hit with a very serious infection. I was hospitalized for four days. I missed Halloween!

But here I am better than I have been in years! I feel great and I am excited to get back to shooting and posing.

I am updating all my sites and profiles. I can't wait to see what the rest of this year brings.

I wish you all the absolute best. You are amazing friends and I wouldn't be where I am (mentally, physically, emotionally) if it weren't for every one of you.

XoXo ~Pixie~
Comments (8)
11.23.10 03:57 AM  
Yes!!! PLEASE work on some new stuff here!!!
11.23.10 03:57 AM  
Yes!!! PLEASE work on some new stuff here!!!
11.23.10 12:55 AM  
You guys are so sweet! I am feeling great. I've been booking work like crazy and have shot 4 sets in the last two days. And I have so much coming up. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. I'm extremely thankful. Now if I can get to work on some news stuff here, I'll be all set!
11.23.10 12:55 AM  
You guys are so sweet! I am feeling great. I've been booking work like crazy and have shot 4 sets in the last two days. And I have so much coming up. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. I'm extremely thankful. Now if I can get to work on some news stuff here, I'll be all set!
11.14.10 12:18 PM  
You have shown us your softer side recently - might we have a Jayded Pixie who is full of fire & ice and taking no prisoners for a while? I volunteer to be the first to fall to your newly unbound wrath! Slay me! ; )
11.14.10 12:18 PM  
You have shown us your softer side recently - might we have a Jayded Pixie who is full of fire & ice and taking no prisoners for a while? I volunteer to be the first to fall to your newly unbound wrath! Slay me! ; )
11.12.10 01:54 PM  
So Stoked your back and the surgery went well! Im getting ready for mine this coming month. How is the recovery?
11.12.10 01:54 PM  
So Stoked your back and the surgery went well! Im getting ready for mine this coming month. How is the recovery?
11.10.10 09:11 AM  
That is awesome news, especially considering this past weekend. Congratulations!! I hope you continue doing better and wish you nothing but the best.
11.10.10 09:11 AM  
That is awesome news, especially considering this past weekend. Congratulations!! I hope you continue doing better and wish you nothing but the best.
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