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Jezebelle Bond

Video Starlet  104 Pics  1 Videos
OFFLINE       VIEWS: 8018
  • Age: 25
  • Sign: gemeni
  • Location: LA
  • Occupation: jack of all trades
  • Ink/Metal: 12 total too many to describe. nipples and hood. i did have my nose and labret done but i took those out.
  • Music: tool, pixies, deftones, nwa, too short, and crappy LA radio. linkin park bites!
  • Movies: kingpin, tank girl, ace ventura series, scary movie series, how high, and chappelle show season one
  • Food: i'm addicted to sour skittles and thin crust hawaiian chicken bbq with no onions from papa johns-must eat with the garlic butter sauce!
  • Books: club and avn magazine. i love reading true crime books, mostly about serial killers.
  • Best Time: damian, the guy i worked with in my scene, and i have the most amazing sex everytime we have sex. it shocks me that it keeps getting better and better!
  • Masturbation Material: my mind. i have a vivid imagination!
  • I Have a Crush on: oscar the grouch
  • Why I am a Burning Angel: i'm so fucking hot!
My Testimonials
2 testimonialsview all
12.12.08 08:25 AM  
Hi Jezebelle You are so fucking sexy, I love your face, body & lovelyness. STUNNING!
12.12.08 08:25 AM  
Hi Jezebelle You are so fucking sexy, I love your face, body & lovelyness. STUNNING!
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06.22.1065 pics
01.11.0839 pics
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06.22.10 mins

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