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Film Starlet  192 Pics  1 Videos
OFFLINE       VIEWS: 24853
  • Sex: Fembot
  • Age: 23
  • Height: 5'4
  • Sign: Aquarius
  • Location: Wonderland, CA
  • Occupation: Cosmetologist, Cam Girl
  • Ink/Metal: Every limb is tattooed and everywhere special has a hole!
  • Music: BDM, Tool, Rusko, Caspa, Sublime
  • Movies: Trannies and Zombies
  • Books: Die For Me
  • Hobbies: Getting Naked, Photography, Fashion, Cooking, Pot Smokin
  • Best Time: We were on way too many psychedelics and the next morning which was ironically Fathers Day I was eating Plan B for breakfast.
  • Fantasy: Hockey Penalty Box
  • Fave Position: Anything that gets the job done!
  • I Have a Crush on: Andy San Dimas
  • Drink: Shirley Temple
  • Smoke: Reefer
  • Bad Habits: Being nice to people who don't deserve it!
  • Where I Hang Out: Anywhere with a pulsating bass line
  • Favorite Burning Angel: Joanna.. our fearless leader.
  • Why I am a Burning Angel: Pickin up on chicks
06.30.10 10:37 PM

I've been on a blogging hiatus, I really need to kick that.  

I had an amazing past weekend.  I checked out a bunch of DJs for 2 glorious days of dancing and debauchery.  Check the bruises on the back of my calves I got as a keep sake. 

Yes, that was the best way to photograph them!

Those  beauties I won from from battling with the coliseum seats. They were too close to where I wanted to stumble into. Don't they KNOW? Geeze!


Now for the photo you wish that last one was:


Can't have one without the other...


Now there is more balance to my blog.

I have yet to show you folks my amazing neck tattoo! Ooooh shiit! I'm so happy I finally decided to go for it!

Ta Da! It's a "Ladie Bug" !!! Muhahaha!! I never see lady bug tattoos with wings open or in flight. Ya dig it??? I adore it! Took just about a couple hours, just enough! Any longer and I would have gone into psycho white lady mode.

Speaking of crazy white lady mode the LAPD tried to take out my friends and I.  We won.

Ummm oh look more photos to fill space with!

 My personal blog is up now at Finalyy!! Whoo! I must admit that is where all my blog love has gone, I will try to share the wealth. I love BA, I need to show it more!!!
Comments (5)
07.03.10 02:42 AM  
now that is a lesson in blogging !
07.03.10 02:42 AM  
now that is a lesson in blogging !
07.01.10 01:31 PM  
were you at edc? damn seats - who knew they could be so annoying?
07.01.10 01:31 PM  
were you at edc? damn seats - who knew they could be so annoying?
07.01.10 02:11 AM  
You are pretty sexy lookin. hahaha
07.01.10 02:11 AM  
You are pretty sexy lookin. hahaha
06.30.10 11:29 PM  
you just blew my fucking mind
06.30.10 11:29 PM  
you just blew my fucking mind
06.30.10 11:26 PM  
You my dear, are one attractive lady
06.30.10 11:26 PM  
You my dear, are one attractive lady
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