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Film Starlet  215 Pics  2 Videos
OFFLINE       VIEWS: 60155
  • Sex: Tranny, duh.
  • Age: 21
  • Height: 5 foot 9
  • Location: Hell
  • Ink/Metal: I retired most of my metal and lots of ink..and tons more to come.
  • Scars/Birthmarks: Too many scars to count
  • Music: Death metal, Hardcore, Grindcore, Punk/Crust, very select Black Metal.
  • TV: The Office, Eastbound and Down, South Park
  • Movies: Natural Born Killers, Falling Down, Zeitgeist, Religulous
  • Food: Vegetarian
  • Books: The God Delusion, Impulse, Identical, Tricks
  • Hobbies: Shows
  • Best Time: Still waiting.
  • Fantasy: Sexy legit ropes, blindfold, dirty van..the whole nine yards! Just minus being killed at the end. Im kind of weird.
  • Fave Position: Face down, ass up.
  • Masturbation Material: My imagination
  • Bad Habits: Nail Biting and candy.
  • Where I Hang Out: Either at shows or at home with my cat.
  • Favorite Burning Angel: Adahlia
  • Why I am a Burning Angel: I love hot tattooed girls, and banging them is fun.
Happy new year?
12.28.10 04:44 PM

Not so much.

Havent really updated recently. Too much has been going on. My surgery is scheduled for January 18th and Im still really sad about the whole thing. I still wish there was more I could do to make this better, I still want to be a mom so badly. I guess thats just life.

To top it off my boyfriend moved away to California today. I dont think Ive ever cried so hard in my life. Watching the person you love more than anything drive away is probably the hardest thing to do. We made eachother personal dog tags with our own sayings on them for christmas, I will have them around my neck every day.

Which means now I need to get this surgery over with and recover and get myself out to California. I want to move there to be with him and to start a new life of my own. If anyone has a room or knows of places to work will you please let me know. Im really serious about this and want to find a way to make it happen. 

I hope everyone had a good christmas and have a happy new year.





Comments (4)
12.29.10 02:30 AM  
I'm so pleased that you've got a date for your surgery Maven & that it will mark the beginning of a great year for you. You look really cool together & although a clich? 'love will find a way'. I'll certainly drink to your good health & happiness on New Year's Eve. In the words of T.S. Eliot "all will be well, and all manner of things will be well"
12.29.10 02:30 AM  
I'm so pleased that you've got a date for your surgery Maven & that it will mark the beginning of a great year for you. You look really cool together & although a clich? 'love will find a way'. I'll certainly drink to your good health & happiness on New Year's Eve. In the words of T.S. Eliot "all will be well, and all manner of things will be well"
12.28.10 10:01 PM  
Happy New Year Maven!!! May this year be filled with love and happiness and I may all your hearts desires be fulfilled... Much love and happiness to you always... All the best!!! Rock on and don't forget to smile your beautiful smile :-)
12.28.10 10:01 PM  
Happy New Year Maven!!! May this year be filled with love and happiness and I may all your hearts desires be fulfilled... Much love and happiness to you always... All the best!!! Rock on and don't forget to smile your beautiful smile :-)
12.28.10 07:13 PM  
Everything will work out Maven it will be a happy new year for you!!
12.28.10 07:13 PM  
Everything will work out Maven it will be a happy new year for you!!
12.28.10 05:40 PM  
I've never been one for optimism, Maven, but I can't help but approach the coming of each new year with more than a little excitement, as if someone were pressing some cosmic 'reset' button and I was going to be given another chance to get everything right. I look at you with those same hopeful eyes, and I don't see the weight of the pain you've had to endure, nor the anguish of a lost dream, but rather that incandescent spirit that's been a source of amazement and inspiration to me. I've been blessed to have known some pretty strong people in my time, and the one thing they had in common is that, inevitably, through perseverence and strength of will, they won out in the end, and got the happiness they deserved. And until that happened, they always had me there to remind them what it was they were fighting so hard for, why each step forward was so damned important. And so shall it be for you. See you in 2011, my dear; I hereby declare it the year of Maven... :)
12.28.10 05:40 PM  
I've never been one for optimism, Maven, but I can't help but approach the coming of each new year with more than a little excitement, as if someone were pressing some cosmic 'reset' button and I was going to be given another chance to get everything right. I look at you with those same hopeful eyes, and I don't see the weight of the pain you've had to endure, nor the anguish of a lost dream, but rather that incandescent spirit that's been a source of amazement and inspiration to me. I've been blessed to have known some pretty strong people in my time, and the one thing they had in common is that, inevitably, through perseverence and strength of will, they won out in the end, and got the happiness they deserved. And until that happened, they always had me there to remind them what it was they were fighting so hard for, why each step forward was so damned important. And so shall it be for you. See you in 2011, my dear; I hereby declare it the year of Maven... :)
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