Film Starlet 2451 Pics 26 Videos
- Sex: AIM - MeowMistiDawn
- Age: 24
- Location: Los Angeles
- Occupation: Ecdysiast
- Ink/Metal: All tattoos by Adam Potts at Acme Ink, Louisville Kentucky: http://www.acmeinktattoos.com/
- Music: Swing, Big Band, Classical, Independent
- TV: the office, dexter, the tudors, home movies
- Movies: Horror in the B Categories, Foreign, and Documentary.
- Videogames: XBOX 360 LIVE - Gamertag - MeowMistiDawn
- Food: Indian and Mexican
- Books: Sexy Book Time!
- Hobbies: video games, kittys, and porn
- Best Time: in the back room of a record store. how high fedelity-ish
- Fave Position: various, depends on mood.
- Masturbation Material: you!
- I Have a Crush on: Dexter Morgan
- Perfect Match: My Jim from the Office.
- Drink: Jameson
- Smoke: ew. but I am a hippe.
- Bad Habits: slothness.
- Where I Hang Out: School, Work, School, Work
- Favorite Burning Angel: Just One? Man I cant pic! Joanna, Draven, and Jessie Lee totally tie
- Why I am a Burning Angel: is because im a libertine, and free access to tah tahs
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