am i the only one that clicks through the internet compulsively as the clock just keeps ticking, knowing that i have to be up in the morning?...

Photo Starlet 638 Pics
- Age: 26
- Height: 5'3
- Sign: Aries
- Location: workin'
- Occupation: sales whore
- Ink/Metal: more and more
- Scars/Birthmarks: probably the biggest one on this site. i'll let you figure it out.
- Music: make me mix cds
- TV: LOST, freaks and geeks, the office, 30 rock, heroes, twin peaks
- Movies: fantasy and comedy
- Videogames: cutsy rpgs
- Food: vietnamese and moroccan although i rarely discriminate against food
- Books: frank miller, henry miller, anais nin, alan moore. i probably read more then the average person.
- Hobbies: collecting dead things, reading comics, gardening, solitaire
- Best Time: he knows who he is
- Fave Position: if i told you you'd be disapointed
- Masturbation Material: boys with brains
- I Have a Crush on: paul rudd, gerrard way and swamp thing
- Perfect Match: frog legs
- Drink: yah i love good dark beers, wines and kettle tonics
- Smoke: eff no
- Bad Habits: spending money
- Favorite Burning Angel: nicole!!!
- Why I am a Burning Angel: because i love it and i love joanna
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can't stop
06.26.08 02:42 AM
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