Film Starlet 566 Pics 4 Videos
- Sex: http://www.amazon.com/wishlist/12HINMDR5SNVF
- Age: 22
- Height: Five eight.
- Sign: Leo
- Location: Chicago, IL
- Occupation: COCKtail Waitress/occasional internet nudity
- Ink/Metal: Metal: both nipples and left nostril. Ink: Lion on left shoulder, lightning bolt behind right ear, ALK3 hands on upper right back. More to cum!
- Scars/Birthmarks: Beauty mark on my face. And I sorta have a third nipple, lolzzz
- Music: Pop punk, hardcore, death metal, indie rock, etc. Alkaline Trio is my favorite.
- TV: 30 Rock, Seinfeld, Scrubs, Heroes, The Office
- Movies: Star Wars (Episodes IV-VI)
- Videogames: bringin back golden eye 007 on n64
- Food: Italian! Pasta makes me weak in the knees.
- Books: Zombie Holocaust
- Hobbies: Shopping for clothes, taking off clothes, fucking, watching people fuck, get tattooed, cuddling, alcohol consumption, movie nights, etc.
- Best Time: When Joanna took my g/g virginity... holy shit.
- Fantasy: Christian Bale flying down from the sky in his Batman costume then taking me away to a dark alley to fuck the shit out of me... or something like that.
- Fave Position: http://www.sexinfo101.com/deepimpact.shtml and 69
- Masturbation Material: Sexting. Hahaha
- I Have a Crush on: Maven & Kleio.
- Perfect Match: Sexy tall, thin/toned, tattooed & bearded, intelligent, and charming. (NOT to be confused with a description of Mitch Fontaine)
- Drink: Jameson. PBR. Vodka Red Bull.
- Smoke: Marlboro 27's.
- Bad Habits: Procrastinating. Smoking.
- Where I Hang Out: Shady punk bars in Chicago. My bed. Work.
- Favorite Burning Angel: Look at my favorites!
- Why I am a Burning Angel: I came here to fuck!
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If you build it, they will cum.
10.10.10 02:56 PM
Damon and I decided to scrap our Humpday Wednesdays event at Risque Cafe and are now throwing an event called T&A (Tits & Ass, duh) Tuesdays at a bigger better punk bar called EXIT. I met up with Felix, the only other BA girl in Chicago, and she agreed to co-host the event with me. If you live in Chicago, you should definitely try to come out for our first night. Meet us, watch BA movies on the tvs around the bar while drinkin cheap, check out Delilah on the pole in back, get your photo taken by GlitterGuts.com, and enter our dvd raffle! it's gonna get crazy. Angels & members - should you find yourself in our... continue reading

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Internet Hookup
12.16.10 07:13 PM
It's okay... you can admit that you are proud of me.
Internet Hookup
12.16.10 07:12 PM
I KNOW. I love the purple too. Every time an MUA does purple on my eyes I fall in love with it then I forget to go buy some!!
Internet Hookup
12.16.10 07:11 PM
I waited so long for that dick. Everything about this was sooo horny. And I'm not "unsatisfied" in 26... it was actually probably my most ... continue reading
Loft Window
12.01.10 03:00 PM
such a pretty set.
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