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Photo Starlet  40 Pics
OFFLINE       VIEWS: 15522
  • Sex: femme
  • Age: 24
  • Height: 5 feet and 7 ish inches
  • Sign: aries
  • Location:
  • Occupation: starving artist
  • Ink/Metal: Ink: a home-made one of a heart on my ankle. professional ones: the jersey devil on my other ankle, the wrist tats. and some earrings. and of course, the bellly ornanment
  • Scars/Birthmarks: freckle constellation on my wrist and a million burn scars from slingin pizzas
  • Music: hardcore, 90's pop, girlie stuff, bluesy stuff...ludacris...
  • TV: all Tv
  • Movies: desperado, hackers, 10 things i hate about you.
  • Videogames: nope
  • Food: onion rings. mashed potatoes. tacos. ice cream. cheese. i really like Wawa meatball hoagies...
  • Books: oh man...everything. i love reading novels cuz i'm a big dork.
  • Hobbies: making shit, sewing, knitting, baking, watching Tv
  • Best Time: how can i even rate that? they're mostly all good..isn't that the point?
  • Fave Position: i like to be moved around a bit
  • Masturbation Material: porn and ladies in lingerie...victoria's secret catalog, hell yes.
  • I Have a Crush on: oh jeeze, jane, azrael, rajon rondo, 50 cent, henry rollins
  • Perfect Match: mitch!
  • Drink: captain n diet
  • Smoke: i think i quit
  • Bad Habits: biting my lip
  • Where I Hang Out: on the internet
  • Favorite Burning Angel: jane and skin
  • Why I am a Burning Angel: i was held at gun point .... or was i??
I don't wanna throw up, I just wanna be a toys r us kid
12.05.10 05:07 PM

Hello people. Heppy December. I haven't blogged at you in a while so here's my dealio.

 I work still work all the time. everyday, literally, but it pays the bills and my jobs don't suck so that's cool. 

I've actually started going out, in public. I'm trying to be more social. Now that I'm single I try to hit the town a bit more. I actually just bought a ton of new single-lady clothes to try to catch the attention of any cute boys who might live in this city. 

I knit hats like nobody's bizzznasss. I'm a fuckin hat machine. watch out

oh! Today I saw this advertised in that toys r us thing in the paper was it made for me or what?! key words: BARBIE, GLITTER, FASHION, FAIRYTALE. holy shit, right?! If only I could be a 5 year old again...

In real life, I'm getting a tattoo this Friday. A real one, a big one. I'm getting my side done and I know it's gonna hurt, everyone keeps telling me that getting a rib-tattoo is the worst plan ever, and I'm prepared for some pain. BUT I'm starting to get nervous because some dude told me this story: he was getting tattooed and the tattooer was totally covered in ink except on his chest he only had an outline, and when asked why he said that when he got it, it was the most painful thing ever and after the 4 hours it took to do the outline he went outside and puked and decided he didn't want to finish it because it hurt so bad! I understand the pain thing...but am I gonna puke?! I do NOT want to throw up. Is that something that happens??? Am I gonna throw up from getting a tattoo?? I reeealllly hope not. :( I'm getting nervous about it.

 I might trim (not cut) my hair. it's been a year and a half since my tresses have seen a scissor. 

other than that...nothin

hang out with me in the chatroom, follow me on twitter. blah blah blah

x's and o's 

Comments (2)
12.06.10 03:03 AM  
puking only happens when you don't have enough sugar. you should be okay with the pain as long as you mentally prepare yourself for it.
12.06.10 03:03 AM  
puking only happens when you don't have enough sugar. you should be okay with the pain as long as you mentally prepare yourself for it.
12.05.10 06:56 PM  
Don't be nervous. I'm sure you'll be fine. And once it's healed, we can all bug Joanna and Mitch for a new Ransom know, to compare before and after ;) good luck.
12.05.10 06:56 PM  
Don't be nervous. I'm sure you'll be fine. And once it's healed, we can all bug Joanna and Mitch for a new Ransom know, to compare before and after ;) good luck.
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