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Photo Starlet  257 Pics
OFFLINE       VIEWS: 25441
  • Age: 24
  • Sign: Gemini
  • Location: Hollywood
  • Occupation: Rockstar
  • Ink/Metal: INK: Chestpiece, sleeves, stomach METAL: Septum, Nipples, n Ears
  • Music: Break Beats, Dub, Drum n Bass, Punk Rock, Reggae, Grime, Crunk, Hyphy, Hip Hop, fuckin Rock!
  • Movies: Baracka, Memoirs of a Geisha, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Team America
  • Food: Vegetarian goodness, no sugar or processed materials please!
  • Books: I love learning languages, reading about theories political and cosmic, also some fantasy and the fantastic. Mostly I like non fiction but Hunter S. Thompson is my all time fav.
  • Best Time: Burning Man!
  • I Have a Crush on: Sexy boys and girls!
  • Why I am a Burning Angel: I like bein in mah birthday suit and takin pics. ;)
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My Testimonials
18 testimonialsview all
03.28.09 12:00 PM  
Forever good-looking Punk.
03.28.09 12:00 PM  
Forever good-looking Punk.
12.09.08 05:04 PM  
Did i just see you in an add for the Shawn White Snowboarding video game???..If its not ,then there is a girl that looks exactly like you Roxy!!.Same hair and everything.Very weird,Stay hot!!!
12.09.08 05:04 PM  
Did i just see you in an add for the Shawn White Snowboarding video game???..If its not ,then there is a girl that looks exactly like you Roxy!!.Same hair and everything.Very weird,Stay hot!!!
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05.13.08107 pics

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