That is all. ...

Photo Starlet 410 Pics
- Sex: female
- Age: 23
- Height: 5'5
- Sign: Scorpio
- Location: your dreams
- Occupation: student
- Ink/Metal: METAL: tongue, nostrils, septum, conch, 00g and 6g in each ear.
- Scars/Birthmarks: lots of scars
- Music: Me me me! Listen to my music!
- Movies: Total Recall, Night of the Living Dead, The Neverending Story, The Princess Bride, Nightmare on Elm Street (all of them)
- Food: Vegan wonderfulness
- Books: yes
- Fave Position: me on top
- Masturbation Material: hands
- I Have a Crush on: Cadence
- Drink: yes
- Smoke: no
- Favorite Burning Angel: Hmmm ... maybe Lola
- Why I am a Burning Angel: Getting naked is fun.
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Old Men and Cats
07.01.10 12:57 AM

6 sets 410 picsview all

8 favsview all

160 friendsview all

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113 commentsview all
Loft Window
11.30.10 08:13 PM
You look beautiful as always =] We need to hang out soon ... the next 2 weeks are end of semester madness but after that I promise I will have time!
The Shaft
10.21.10 01:59 AM
hahaha this is awesome. I really like that there's making out too, making out is an important precursor to sex that is often skipped in porn!
Fitting Room
07.31.10 03:26 PM
Omg I
Bathroom Debut
07.07.10 02:57 PM
Yay you're heeeere! Welcome and congrats and let's fucking hang out soon!!
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