So i dont want people to judge me or think im fake or anything because im totally not, but i have been super self conscious about my tiny lips since i was little, everyone who knows me, i always cover my mouth when i smile and stuff. I dont know why i just have been, so anyway, i decided to get my lips done. Not huge or anything, just a little bit, to make my lips look average sized, and im so so glad i did it because i feel so much better about it now.
Other then that, i have been shooting alot lately. For companys like naughty america, brazzers, new sensations, pleasure productions, hustler ect. OH!! And i have finally done a couple of dom scenes which im super excited about because i finally got to be in charge and take control:) It was pretty fun. I havent shot for BA in a long time, but im sure it'll happen eventually when the time is right for them. I shot with sean michaels again recently for taboo magazine, that was pretty sweet, he once again dp'd me haha, and he peed on my chest! he is awesome!!
I moved into a house, finally! I have 2 roomates but they are both super chill and laid back, the house is really nice and big and in a good neighborhood so its super awesome. Things are going pretty well, aside from my moms health back home... i had to rush back home to minnesota recently after my mom had been rushed to the hospital... her cancer is back... its been hard but my mom is strong and shes a fighter... Anyway dont want to fill this blog with depressing stuff. Heres a couple of new pictures with my new lips:)