Photo Starlet 185 Pics
- Sex: Lady
- Age: 25
- Height: 5'7
- Sign: BUY ME PRETTY THINGS https://www.amazon.com/wishlist/3PTESDOVAWB0N
- Location: San Diego
- Occupation: House Wife
- Ink/Metal: working on it
- Scars/Birthmarks: 19 stitches across my forehead but I hide em well! And now the new addition of Frankenbelly, 15 stomach staples after surgery still waiting to see how bad ass the scar will be lol
- Music: THE BOSS, The Drips, The Format, Dead and Divine, Emarosa, She and Him, Owl City, Kings of Leon, Brand New, Cartel, Paramore, Cat Power, Tegan and Sara, Against Me!, Bjork, Regina Spektor, The Kooks, Dear Tick
- TV: Project Runway, Gossip Girl, True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Reality TV of all sorts and anything on HGTV
- Movies: The Neverending Story, Great Expectations, Stranger then Fiction, Giant, Willow, The Witches, Empire Records, London, The Way We Were, It's a wonderful life, High Fidelity, Bride of Frankenstein, and True Romance
- Videogames: Tetris
- Food: Edemame, Avacados, Asparagus, Seafood, RED MEAT!
- Books: Frannie and Zooey
- Hobbies: Baking and Shopping
- Best Time: secret
- Fantasy: secret
- Fave Position: ladys dont tell
- Masturbation Material: I dont masterbate, ever! Odd but truw
- I Have a Crush on: Lumberjacks
- Perfect Match: My Husband!
- Drink: Barely
- Smoke: Always
- Bad Habits: Nudity
- Where I Hang Out: In my kitchen
- Favorite Burning Angel: Chelsea
- Why I am a Burning Angel: Causre its the only site worth modeling for int he Alt world lol
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11.14.10 02:56 PM
I haven't been on the internet for ages! Sorry!!! I just came on here and saw my epic new set! Thanks for all the comment love! Whats everyone been upto? I have just been working lots and getting excited for the holidays!It's starting to get super cold up here in Canada and I am fully missing the warm San Diego weather! I got a whole bunch of new tattoos! I'll try and get some pictures for you guys up on here asap!Hope everyone had a rad halloween! I spent mine celebrating my... continue reading

3 sets 185 picsview all

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12 commentsview all
Green Bathroom
06.28.10 10:15 PM
Always such a babe! xo
06.21.10 10:14 PM
Reading your blog kind of made me fall in love with you, the end xo
Rain rain go away!
06.21.10 10:12 PM
I am up in BC just north of you and the weather is the same atm it makes no sense?? Usually it seels like summer here by mid april!! NOT COOOL!
Glamour Girl
06.19.10 12:34 AM
You just get hotter and hotter
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