- Sex: Female
- Age: 26
- Height: 6-2
- Sign: Scorpio
- Location: the armpit of oregon
- Occupation: Cashier
- Ink/Metal: Some ink, but I would like so much more
- Scars/Birthmarks: I have alot....
- Music: Eclectic
- TV: Dexter, CSI, Castle, Star gate SG1, Jack of all trades,
- Movies: Varied
- Videogames: Not really into video games, Id rather watch people play then play myself
- Food: Yum, I love thai, italian, mexican, and a good cheeseburger
- Books: Any I can get my hands on
- Hobbies: Reading, singing, drawing, sleeping, listening to and playing music
- Best Time: Night time, Sleep time, sex time
- Fantasy: Not telling...mawahahahahaha
- Fave Position: Cowgirl
- Masturbation Material: Girl on girl
- I Have a Crush on: Misti Dawn, Joanna, Wren, Eden, Asphyxia, Aurora, Plus many many more
- Perfect Match: My boyfriend
- Drink: Rarely
- Smoke: Never
- Bad Habits: being nuts
- Where I Hang Out: Mostly with friends
- Favorite Burning Angel: Misti Dawn, Joanna, Wren, and others who I can't think of right now
- Why I am a Burning Angel: ?
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Domestic Nude
12.27.10 06:03 PM
Love number are one gorgeous lady...
Getting To Know...
12.24.10 10:38 PM
Holiday Elf
12.24.10 10:27 PM
"its begining to look a lot like christmas...." with Kleio's boobs....YAY!
Arabelle's First POV
12.24.10 10:26 PM
Arabelle is one hot lady!
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