- Sex: Penis
- Age: Almost the third of a century
- Height: 5 feet 10 inches
- Sign: Arrogant & tyrannical... Leo
- Location: The swamp
- Occupation: Designer
- Ink/Metal: Yes/No
- Scars/Birthmarks: Yes/No
- Music: Mal Waldron, Cro-Mags and everything in between
- TV: No
- Movies: Night Of The Hunter, Bladerunner, The Long Goodbye, New Wave Hookers 2, Dark City, Halloween, Warriors, Alien...
- Videogames: To many friends addicted to fall in the trap
- Food: Spicy meats, pastas and anything with avocado
- Books: Dreaming Of Babylone, Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheeps?, Ham On Rye, White Jazz, Hammerhead Ranch Motel, Sombra De la Sombra, Water Marging, For Whom The Bells Tolls and any good biography of Egon Schiele, Yves Klein and Jean-Michel Basquiat
- Best Time: Last time
- Fantasy: Fuck in Emmett Doc Browns DeLorean, go back in time and do it again. Fuck in Emmett Doc Browns DeLorean, go back in time and do it again. Fuck in Emmett Doc Browns DeLorean, go back in time and do it again...
- Fave Position: So many
- Masturbation Material: Memories of past and coming lovers
- I Have a Crush on: My wife, my best female friend and that chubby waitress of a bar downtown
- Perfect Match: God, she is amazing
- Drink: Coffee, every existing pastis or tequila and Southern Comfort 100 Proof.
- Smoke: No madam
- Bad Habits: Just call it habits
- Where I Hang Out: Mounts and valleys of the swamps
- Favorite Burning Angel: Still not sure...
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Domestic Nude
12.27.10 07:48 AM
Good reason to stay at home. She has strong arguments.
Holiday Elf
12.27.10 07:46 AM
We don't give a fuck for that fat ol' bearded guy in red clothes to come visit us, we want that elf sliding down the chimney every night.
Juelz is in the heart
12.27.10 07:44 AM
Big boobs, fine ass and pretty face are definitely cool.
Regan Masturbates
12.27.10 07:43 AM
I'm away for three days and when Ireturn I find this... Yee haw? Yes, yee haw. Regan was already starring of my fav' POV episode, she's now... continue reading
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