- Sex: Female
- Age: 23
- Height: 5'3
- Sign: Gemini
- Location: Murrieta, CA
- Occupation: Business Owner
- Ink/Metal: Tattoos.
- Scars/Birthmarks: I have a birthmark that looks like a lightening bolt.
- Music: Rockabilly, Punk, Hardcore, Metal, Classical, Goth Rock.
- TV: Sons of Anarchy, The Pacific
- Movies: All genres have a top 5.
- Videogames: I have way too many to name.
- Food: Candy.
- Hobbies: Knitting, sewing, making tasteless jokes on the internet, texting.
- Fantasy: me and two other girls mmm...
- I Have a Crush on: Misti Dawn and Draven
- Perfect Match: No crazy dudes.
- Drink: Non-Alcoholic
- Smoke: Straight Edge (:
- Bad Habits: I bite my lips alot.
- Where I Hang Out: My Haus
- Favorite Burning Angel: ALL OF THEM.
- Why I am a Burning Angel: I like naked people and sex.
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11 commentsview all
How many Stickers can you get up in one public bathroom
12.24.10 12:39 PM
I need stickers!!
Bean Bag Debut
12.22.10 06:04 PM
Yep! Love her! So hot!
Merry X-Mas
12.21.10 11:21 PM
Can I have all of you under my tree? thanks :)
Cum On MY Tattoo... please!
12.16.10 04:21 AM
I don't have enough thumbs to show you how much I like this.
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