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OFFLINE       VIEWS: 913
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 29
  • Height: 6'5
  • Sign: Gemini
  • Location: The hills of WV
  • Occupation: Chef Redemption Song - Joe Strummer/Johnny Cash
  • Scars/Birthmarks: small one on the back of my neck, 4 on my left hand from diving through a glass door as a kid
  • Music: Joe Strummer, Bloc Party, The Streets, Example and Rusher, Rev. Horton Heat, 2 skinnee J's, Lars and the Bastards
  • TV: Frisky Dingo, BSG, Gibb's Presidential press conferences, Penn and Teller Bullshit, and that new escapist show on discovery
  • Movies: Miller's Crossing, Free Enterprise, Blade Runner, Clerks 2, Romper Stomper, End of the Century, Grosse Point Blanke
  • Videogames: I've got every system back to my old c64. I've stopped gaming for awhile, since I use satelite internet.
  • Food: I've been toying lately with indian food. But to be honest when you work in a kitchen all day, you rarely eat or think about food much outside of work.
  • Books: Point Blanke, James Robinson's Starman, The Boys,
  • Hobbies: Playing pool at Belevedre's on 80's night, working conventions and shows, I've worked in mock riots, showered and went to work. I'll catch a red eye flight to work anything just for the fun of it.
  • Drink: yes, melted a lighter shut from setting shots on fire.
  • Smoke: long time ago
  • Bad Habits: getting burnt out from working so much
  • Where I Hang Out: Lava Lounge, the moose, Belevedres, yesterdayz, ye olde alpha
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i'll be on BA webcam thurs at 3pm!!
06.17.10 12:43 AM
well, I'm getting an early birthday gift.
Banging in NYC & I met Jason Schwartzman
05.17.10 03:12 AM
Ha, biscuit world is all over southern WV. And just made it up to the pittsburgh area. My friends went to the open casting call, they had fo... continue reading
My dream mate friend guy dude....
05.15.10 12:25 AM
Hey Farva what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks? I'm sorry, to hea... continue reading
Photos and Baning Pyramid Head
05.06.10 12:53 AM
Zody was the angel I was thinking of about. She could point you into cosplay circles for help in hunting down obscure costumes. I'm stil... continue reading
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