Heyyy guys! I'm back! Who's happy??! Ahh I bet you all are. Anyways just been in and out of Twitter and getting on with life and such. But some things have been bothering me as of late. It's the chance that I may have skin cancer. Went to the doctors and he's referring me to a dermetologist so I dont like where this is headed.
Although he did say in his oppinion that my skin looked ok, but I am getting an appointment anyway but really nervous! And if there isnt anymore bad news I have to go to the dentist and get 7 fillings, lets just say my teeth aint very good and I eat and drink alot of crap and this is the result lol. Dreading the day that I have to go.
But the good thing is, is that if I manage to get through all this and if I dont have skin cancer then, theres alot of news things I am gonna be setting up this new year. I am getting into the good gracies with some major porn companies right now. Would love to start working for them, not as a star though, cause I hardly have that tallent like those mofos Keni Styles, James Deen and Mr Street Team, but anyways working for them as a promoter.
Anyways Xmas is here and I wish you all a happy xmas! Dont be shy, drop by my page and say hello whoever is still interacting on this site lol And i'll keep you updated on my skin condition. Wish me luck and its good to be back! :)