Off-White Powa!...
Status: I wish I had clones to get more work done.
- Sex: Male
- Age: 25
- Height: 6'1
- Sign: Cancer
- Location: Florida
- Occupation: Web Developer
- Music: Past 3 decades of Rock/Metal
- TV: Dexter, Californication, Chuck, Spartacus
- Movies: Terminator 2, Aliens, The Dark Knight - plenty of Sci-Fi, Horror, Action
- Videogames: Mass Effect, Dragon Age
- Food: Chicken Stirfry
- Books: American Psycho
- Best Time: Recently ;)
- Fantasy: Doesn't Include You
- Drink: Only with Wings
- Smoke: Nope
- Bad Habits: Breaking this website
- Where I Hang Out: Interwebs
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Marvel teases the final issue of the Fantastic Four (spoiler-free): 12.30.10
10.12.10 11:34 PM

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An Interview Gone Lesbian
11.24.10 10:04 PM
As am I.
Alexis Texas Loves BurningAngel
08.07.10 10:11 PM
That's quite an asset.
Metal Shop Cutie
08.07.09 06:02 PM
Absolutely love this one. It's so amazing. I'm crying with joy.
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