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Hey girls! Has it always been your dream come true for everyone you have ever met to see your boobs? Are you having way too much good sex in your life behind closed doors, for no pay? Well, then, you have come to the right place! Join me and my perverted army of hot punk chicks and help us take over the world...or just help us make some good porn... with you in it.

Some basic copy about modeling and how they are super stars. We PLEASE don't apply to this website if you aren't at least 18-years-old, and have proper government-issued photo identification to prove it (drivers license, passport, etc.). WE DO NOT hire any girls under the age of 18 under any circumstances. That is gross and creepy. Yuck. Please be specific as to how little or how much you want to do - and if you are interested in doing photos, or videos, or both. And for all the aspiring "real models" out there, please do not apply if you have no interest in taking off any nipples: no job! You hear me? And finally, please know that it is NOT REQUIRED to have any modeling or video experience to apply to BurningAngel - we might look like professionals sometimes...but we're not
*Date of Birth: 
*First Name:    *Last Name: 
Model Name: 
*Email Address:   *Phone Number: 
*City:   *State: 
*IM Name:   IM Service: 
*Quickest way to reach you: 
*Have you modeled nude before: 
If Yes, where?
*Modeling Interest: (You can choose as many as you'd like!)
 Photos     Videos     Boy/Girl     Girl/Girl     Anything
Referred By: (Did someone suggest you fill out this form?) 
Why do you want to be on Burning Angel:
*Pictures of you: (Images must be in JPEG format, no larger than 500KB, please)
So, I guess we should see what you look like! Your photos do not have to be nude but please make sure they are clear and recent. Please include at least 1 face shot and 3 full body shoots. You should avoid sending in web cam and cell phone photographs.
Sample Picture 1: 
Sample Picture 2: 
Sample Picture 3: 
Sample Picture 4: 
Sample Picture 5: 

* Required Fields