Orange Dress
Date Added: 10.25.10 Pics: 71 Views: 9433 Rating: N/A
Envy's sexy stripey stockings kinda reminded me of candy corns! Just in time for Halloween, right? Kinda? Sorta? Maybe this year when I am trick-or-treating, instead of getting candy corns, I can get an Envy dressed just like this. That would be a nice surprise!

Sexual Intellectual
11.07.10 05:11 PM
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Cookin something tasty in hell's kitchen.
I love it when you lean in like that.. Seriously, was waiting for another pic like that from you. Your tits are so gorgeous when they just hang there like that, like fuck me on a ship in a glass bottle you pirate-y booty beau! Its crazy, but that's how fucking amazing you are!
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