Slumber Party
Date Added: 01.08.09 Pics: 65 Views: 42551 Rating: 9
Remember that wonderful, BurningAngel threesome, 3-WAY BOOB FEST starring January, Jessie Lee and Maureen? I'm pretty sure no one would forget a video like that one, but just in case you did, or wanted to capture the boob fest in extremely slow motion for yourself to make it last, we have this photo set for you! If you like this boob fest, you might want to watch the trailer for GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS 2, my newest release...um, there are lots of boobs in that too.

11.09.10 09:37 AM
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latin meat?
well i didn't think anything could be hotter than this video, but there's somethin about that stack o' asses and the ole pussy-lickin chain that really got to me. not to mention the premise of the sleepover. this is what i've always figured girls who have "sleepovers" do, even if they're not this blazingly hot. on second thought, though i'm really into the video. i've got time to watch it again.
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