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Film Starlet  617 Pics  2 Videos
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  • Age: 21
  • Location: storm city
  • Occupation: creep. scud. jew.
  • Scars/Birthmarks: a tore up elbow, a two inch gash on my right hand and a birthmark on my thigh like a pale constellation, an abstract bicycle hidden between the crows
  • Music: queerwulf. jay reatard. sex vid. add/c. sexy. dos tornados. fucked up. infest. void. surrender. sleep. jawbreaker. hey girl. hooky. hickey. allergic to bullshit. drunken boat.
  • Movies: mysterious skin. the adventures of sebastian cole. kung fu hustle. american gangster.
  • Videogames: LoZ:TP
  • Food: Ferran Adria. Thomas Keller. Grant Achatz. Eric Ripert. etc. etc.
  • Books: Salad Days, The Eithical Slut, Geek Love, Julie/Julia, anything by Christopher Moore or David Sedaris
  • Hobbies: skinning animals. making pies. porch drinking. stoop reading. bar knitting.
  • Best Time: have a good time all the time.
  • I Have a Crush on: jerks and burnouts
  • Perfect Match: bad people with good palates
  • Bad Habits: too dumb to quit too tough to die.
  • Where I Hang Out: long abandoned train tracks. woods. under piers. porches. places with fireflies.
  • Why I am a Burning Angel: MOB
sweet fancy moses
12.19.07 07:35 PM
I have been a busy lady. I got back from New York two or so weeks  ago. It was kind of hot and sticky there, and my time was filled with house shows, bbqs and picnics in Prospect Park. Eating lots of scrumptious, overpriced foodstuffs and reading on the stoop of the apartment I was housesitting. All this was fine and jolly but Mr. Blood and I really began to miss our little Gussums. I was in L.A. shooting lots of photos with some hot ladies and even got to do a fabulous video (my very first ever) with Joanna (which was even more fun than you could probably imagine.) So hopefully that will be up soon. Then off to Washington, south of Seattle.  I just got out of the hospital from the most intense food poisoning. You know when you just keep puking but there isn't anything left to get rid of? blech. On the plus side Mr. Blood and I just found the most amazing house in the northwest. And we are moving in in just one month! I can't beleive how cheap housing prices are when you get out of NY or California. This place has four bedrooms, two stories, two studies, a big kitchen, a gas stove, a dishwasher, a wash and dryer, all hardwood floors, a big fenced yard and wraparound covered porch, all custom paint job, a 1.5 car detached garage and sigh... a sauna. And its cheaper than most two bedroom apartments in Oakland. Hot damn. amaaaazing. Now: packing up all my shit before I go to Alaska for two weeks. Sweet fancy moses.
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