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Film Starlet  543 Pics  2 Videos
OFFLINE       VIEWS: 95420
  • Age: 21
  • Height: 5'4
  • Sign: Virgo
  • Location: The South
  • Occupation: I party!
  • Ink/Metal: Did someone say metal? jud, jud, jud,chugga-chug chug, weeeee!
  • Scars/Birthmarks: Don't roll your car.
  • Music: I've been listening to a lot of Anberlin and Coheed & Cambria lately. Random.
  • TV: LOST.
  • Movies: Hot Rod, Napoleon Dynamite, Donnie Darko, Big Fish, Pineapple Express. I love dumb movies.
  • Videogames: no thanks.
  • Food: Pizza and beer! Wait, you don't eat beer... does beer count?
  • Books: School books, gross.
  • Hobbies: Crusin' in the beetle with the windows down and a cutie beside me.
  • Best Time: SHOW ME.
  • Fantasy: oh gosh.
  • Fave Position: The way that the doggies do it.
  • I Have a Crush on: Legal or not, who isn't in love with a Cyrus? Really.
  • Perfect Match: Oh 200 miles....
  • Drink: Margaritasss!
  • Smoke: No way fool.
  • Bad Habits: I worry about everything, I eat and drive, I have a serious Starbucks addiction & I make that stupid baby voice when I'm around animals.
  • Where I Hang Out: Where the babes hang out!
  • Favorite Burning Angel: Joanna, and Allister, and Morgan Mae... just pretend its one girl.
  • Why I am a Burning Angel: It's my secret plot to do it with Adahlia >:]
Much needed blog.
02.05.10 01:13 PM

Wow it's been SO long. I figured since I had a set go up, it would be a nice time for this. I feel like I say this every time pictures go up, but, wow, those are two years old. Hahahah I look pretty much exacly the same though. I got a few more tattoos; most important, I added on to my stomach to make it way bigger and better. I also got an Anberlin tattoo! It's the only band tattoo I'll get, I promise. They say Dismantle Repair. EMOOOO right?

Sorry it's not a better picture. I woke up, checked twitter, saw I had a set up, took sidekick picture (YES, I am still rocking a sidekick). 

Hmm, new stuff. I'm going to Disney World next month! I'm SO pumped. I am a 21 year old Florida resident and I don't know what Disney World looks like. So excited to finally go. 

I've also really been wanting to get boobies lately. Like, really really really wanting to get boobies. Big B, small C, that's it. I think I'm going to open a paypal for boobie donations. I've seen it work. 

I really hope everyone enjoys the new set. Thanks for the nice things so far! As for now, that is all of the pictures in the BA vault. Maybe I will shoot one day, and maybe I will have big boobies. I'm lookig a lot more "normal" these days, I think I like it.



Comments (5)
06.13.10 02:20 PM  
I totally agree! You have one amazing body and such a gorgeous face! I know how you feel about wanting bigger boobs reeeeally bad, Im in the same boat. But it seems like a pain in the ass. I dont think Id ever do it. But for the record you have awesome boobs the way the are!
06.13.10 04:20 AM  
Your breasts are naturally PERFECT! Pull-eeze don't ruin then with implants! You have a lovely face and a sexy sleek body, so what do you want fake Ts for? Keep it real girl!
02.06.10 09:02 AM  
Your set is adorable Audrey, you dont need anything fake, your beautiful the way you are! :]
02.05.10 02:04 PM  
i for one don't think you need the fake tits Audrey.
02.05.10 01:55 PM  
Lovin the tattoos, you are just toosexy Audrey
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