Ink/Metal: the only difference between people with tattoos and people without tattoos is people with tattoos are way cooler and can kick your ass
Scars/Birthmarks: thought id use the space to let you be friends with me here- - - - AIM - mskittycutthroat
Music: this week...Hot snakes, the kills, anti flag, guitar wolf, against me,
TV: Curb your enthusiasm, family guy, south park, spaced, black books, the mighty boosh, top cat, flight of the conchords, girls of the playboy mansion, shameless, the IT crowd,
Movies: loads of classic 80s um ahhh theres to many to put down
Food: Big fat salads with nuts & seeds & avocado & sweet pepper & yum yum yum, south east aisan food mmm noddle soup
Books: at the moment im reading a book about coco chanel
Hobbies: sewing, baking!! i make rad cupcakes, gardening (i grow stuff its fun), rocking out
Best Time: fucking ruled :)
Fantasy: geeks! hed get really frustrated trying to work out a math problem and grab you and take all his frustration out in awesome sex!
Fave Position: it changes gotta go with the mood
Masturbation Material: Burning Angels of course. kissing, dirty phone calls, sasha grey and Sometimes Burton Leon Reynolds, Jr.
I Have a Crush on: boys with galsses that look a bit geeky but are utter filth, people with smarts/can sing/can draw, girls with red hair. rock n roll party guys/girls
Perfect Match: someone whos stupid and can run around like a kid and laugh at themselves, without being annoying tho, someone who makes me laugh
Drink: hell yeah
Smoke: i dont but i dont complain, some of the loveliest people i know are yuky smokers teehee
Bad Habits: im not very ladylike, i burp a lot
Where I Hang Out: my bed
Favorite Burning Angel: how could i choose but adahlia and maureen make me weak at the knees
Why I am a Burning Angel: Because Im a filthy rock n roll party girl through and through And Im gonna bring BA to the UK big time so watch out!!!! Ouch