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OFFLINE       VIEWS: 8761
  • Sex: Ummmmm YES
  • Age: 21
  • Height: 5 foot 9
  • Sign:
  • Location: Rain City
  • Occupation: Death Metal Whore :D
  • Ink/Metal: I retired most of my metal but I have dermals on my face, and lots of ink..and tons more to come!
  • Scars/Birthmarks: Too many scars to count
  • Music: Death metal, Black metal, *good* Hardcore, Grindcore
  • TV: The Office, Eastbound and Down, South Park
  • Food: Vegetarian
  • Books: The God Delusion, Impulse, Identical, Tricks
  • Hobbies: Shows, shows, shows! Also bmx, dirt bikes, horses. Im a closet redneck.
  • Best Time: Every time
  • Fantasy: Sexy legit ropes, blindfold, dirty van..the whole nine yards! Just minus being killed at the end. Im a little bit of a freak.
  • Fave Position: Hmmm, either doggy style or legs over head ;)
  • Masturbation Material: Most definitely this website
  • I Have a Crush on: Draven ! ! !
  • Bad Habits: Nail Biting and a baaaad sweet tooth
  • Where I Hang Out: Either at shows or at home
  • Favorite Burning Angel: Adahlia
  • Why I am a Burning Angel: Love everything about it!
Burnt Out
06.10.10 12:29 PM
I'm frustrated and feel the need to vent...sooo since no one is home for me to bitch at, I'm gonna bitch on the internet. Lets make this never ending story short as possible. I have severe endomitriosis and it really fucking sucks. I have to have a hysterectomy by the end of this year, and it is really starting to sink in and make me extremely sad. I've had it bad for 3 years so its no surprise but I tried to pretend like it was all alright for a long time, regardless of the horrible pain I get every single day. For most people having that huge life changing surgery wouldn't be too bad, but I've wanted to be a mom for a long time and its tearing me up inside. We have been trying, and failing miserably. Endomitriosis causes intertility...and considering the fact I'm in stage 4 there really isn't much hope at all for this every happening for me but I still put myself through the hurt anyways. I still have 5 more months left to try so I will keep trying either way. I recently started acupuncture to help with my pain and to help with infertility. I go in for my second appointment tonight and I'm feeling a little more optimistic about it than I was last week. I really don't have a whole lot to look forward to lately so any little bit of hope I have I'm hanging onto it for dear life. I guess I'm writing this mainly because I just need some encouragement and pick me up from anyone right now, these last few weeks I've been really down and can't seem to pull out of it. On the plus side this is the week I'm ovulating which means lots of sex for me! ! ! Yesss!! Also, I'm gonna put up some new pictures in my personal gallery so check that out too :D and anyone in the Seattle area Vital Remains plays tonight and you better fucking go, that band is so sweet live!
Comments (11)
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06.12.10 01:44 PM  
awww honey hang in there!! you have so much love and support behind you! and i cant even count how many times drs have been wrong about shit like fave hs teachers was supposed to be sterile and still ended up having a baby boy :)
06.12.10 01:23 PM  
Im holding up the best I can right now. Im doing everything in my power to make this happen or at least make my mind think it could. Had another acupuncture session on Thursday, I'm not sure if its doing anything but its great to think it might be. I stopped drinking all caffeine, alcohol, taking any medication that would be bad, I've been forcing myself to eat more because I was underweight and my BMI was too low. So I've litterally been doing every little thing I possibly can. I will still be crushed if this doesn't happen before its gone forever, but I wil at least have some piece of mind knowing at least I tried and it didn't work.
06.12.10 06:46 AM  
beautiful lady, thank you for trying to cheer me up when you're going through something much worse! how fucking amazing are you!! keep your heart up, anything is possible and tho it might not feel like the same thing there are so many children that need brave, strong, fun, wonderful women to be thier mothers and i have no doubt you will be such a mum on day!! stay strong and happy you lovely lady!! xoxoxox <3
06.12.10 01:06 AM  
I'm so sorry to hear this!! that sucks so bad, I have a good friend who has that and I've seen what she goes through :( but keep tryin baby and maybe with enough positive thoughts and super sexy sexytimes you can beat the odds. If not do you what you gotta do to make your life best and easiest and most importantly safest and know that someday you're gonna be a superawesome momma to some baby, no matter what. xoxo
06.11.10 10:21 PM  
Hey Maven how are are you holding up? I agree with what Sinestro said you just have to hang in there!
06.11.10 07:59 PM  
Don't let the doctors' pronouncements get you down, Maven; they're an overly pragmatic bunch, and disinclined to encourage hope. Don't get me wrong: hardening your heart against disappointment is sound thinking, but every step forward that we take in life is fueled by the belief that everything that we could ever want, the fulfillment of every wish, lies just ahead; don't let anyone take that belief from you and rob you of your drive... Remember: while a thing may be unlikely, it can never actually be impossible. It's one of the great truths of the universe, and is an endless source of comfort for me. I hope it can be one for you, too... :)
06.11.10 02:38 AM  
That really sucks! You're a fighter and you'll get through this!! To change the subject how was the show? I hope you had a good time
06.11.10 02:26 AM  
That means alot, thank you very much. I usually don't talk about the things I'm going through unless I'm in need of some serious positive energy...and right now I need all I can get. Its been a long battle with a series of health problems and pain. But I've made it through alot worse so I know I can make it through this too. But it definitely is hard hearing 4 different doctors tell you the chances of your dream coming true is slim to none. Sigh.
06.10.10 10:43 PM  
Looking at the pics in your Personal Gallery, Maven, with all the broad smiles, and the kisses, and the evident love of life, I'd never have guessed that you were dealing with such pain. And that tells me something about you: that you bear your burdens with grace and a quiet strength, and I find that quite admirable. Something tells me that, no matter how long the odds, nothing will stop you from making all your dreams come true...and I'll be sending a positive thought or two your way to help your chances, 'cause I have a soft spot in my heart for fighters... :)
06.10.10 03:52 PM  
Thanks :)
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