Film Starlet 124 Pics 1 Videos
- Sex: Tranny ha ;)
- Age: 21
- Height: 5 foot 9
- Sign: http://twitter.com/mavenxmayhem
- Location: Rain City
- Occupation: Barista
- Ink/Metal: I retired most of my metal and lots of ink..and tons more to come!
- Scars/Birthmarks: Too many scars to count
- Music: Death metal, *good* Hardcore, Grindcore, very select Black Metal.
- TV: The Office, Eastbound and Down, South Park
- Food: Vegetarian
- Books: The God Delusion, Impulse, Identical, Tricks
- Hobbies: My hobbies consist of going to shows, riding my bike or being near the horses.
- Best Time: At a truck stop in Idaho.
- Fantasy: Sexy kidnapping...like legit ropes, blindfold, dirty van..the whole nine yards! Just minus being killed at the end. Im kind of weird.
- Fave Position: Face down, ass up.
- Masturbation Material: Buring Angel
- I Have a Crush on: Draven, Shay, Phoenix !
- Drink: Mickeys. lol.
- Smoke: Fuck no.
- Bad Habits: Nail Biting and candy.
- Where I Hang Out: Either at shows or at home with my cat.
- Favorite Burning Angel: Adahlia, Draven, Shay
- Why I am a Burning Angel: Who doeskin love hot tattooed girls?
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Bang Bang
09.29.10 05:47 PM
I'll keep it short and sweet. Added some new pics to the personal gallery.

Damon James
09.30.10 08:33 PM
reply alert!
And all this time I thought you were a lesbo! hahahaha
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