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Miss Genocide

Film Starlet  172 Pics  1 Videos
OFFLINE       VIEWS: 67712
  • Sex: DTF.
  • Age: 22
  • Height: With or without the stripper heels?
  • Sign:
  • Location: Victoria/Austin, Tx
  • Occupation: Musician/Bartender/Photographer/Jewelry Designer
  • Ink/Metal: Where to first was an old-school Rat Fink holding a flag featuring a Crimson Ghost on my left upper-arm; My second tattoo was two Von Dutch flying eyeballs on my hips; Then a tribut to Vince Ray's True Nekromance piece on my chest which my artist and I collaborated on to make the design unique, then a Zombie Martini Glass on the right side of my neck which I designed and had tattooed as a wedding present from the shop owner, then RESTLESS tattooed on my knuckles, after my favorite Against Me! song, Up the Cuts. Lastly, my left sleeve, which I'm still finishing; Rat Fink with a purple hood and cloak and his arms crossed on his chest to symbolize the Crimson Ghost, also Rat Fink with angel wings, sitting apon a cloud, with Ed Roth's name below, and his birth and death date on a banner, then a moon on my elbow with the Crimson Ghost face inside, Flying Eyeballs floating around the entire piece with clouds and lightening bolts, and finally, the Famous Stars and Straps Cadillac logo, with the words Cadillac Tramp placed around it, my husband's nickname.
  • Scars/Birthmarks: Various random freckles, they creep me out. BA should pay me to have them burnt off :/
  • Music: Being a musician all my life, I pretty much love all music, except 99% of country, but if you INSIST...Misfits, Against Me!, Bad Brains, Ministry, Slayer, Casualties, Clit 45, Krum Bums, Souxie and the Banshees, Skinny Puppy, Type-O, Joy Division, Duran-Duran, Germs, Morrissey, Danzig, Bayside, Smoking Popes, Langhorne Slim, Tom Gabel, Tegan and Sara, The Beatles and all thier solo projects EXCEPT poor Ringo, Madball, Hoods, Graverobbers, NIN, The Cure, Bright Eyes, GUITAR PLAYERS THAT INFLUENCE ME: Eric Johnson, Hendrix, Satriani, John Fruscianti, John Petrucci, Francisco Tarrenga, Rocco de Luca, SRV, Clapton
  • TV: ADULT SWIM-ATHF, Venture Bros, Squidbillies, Simpsons, Family Guy...
  • Movies: GIA, The Wackness, Kids, Gummo, Teeth, the SLEEPAWAY CAMP trilogy, ANY film by: George A. Romero, Quintin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez [exept his kid movies]
  • Videogames: LETS SEEEEE...Dead Rising, L4D, COD, HALO!, ALL Tomb Raider games, NFS, BIOSHOCK, Guitar Hero, Residen Evil, Ghost Busters, Castle Crashers, most Mario games, Zelda [link to the past], Duck Hunt, PitFall, Joust, PacMan, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat...
  • Food: I LOVE ASIAN CUISINE! Especially sushi, with a good bowl of seaweed salad, Italian, Mexican [I'm married to one :P] I'm a great cook, buy me some groceries and I promise you'll be proposing to me by the end of the night.
  • Books: LOTR, 1984, The Hobbit, Salad Days, American Hardcore, most books involving crafts, hair, makeup, music/musician biographies, photography, tattoo flash
  • Hobbies: Music [playing guitar, piano, flute, bass, small bit of drums, singing, cavaquino, hand percussion], Jewelry making [], art such as drawing, painging, sketching, and hopefully someday, tattooing, MAKING HEAVENLY DRINKS, and partaking in them myself :P, spending time with my husband and my two kitties, VIDEO GAMES, writing reviews for games
  • Best Time: Every time my hubby puts out :)
  • Fantasy: jeeez, um...Joanna Angel, Asphyxia, Adahlia...ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
  • Fave Position: Acrobat or the Lotus
  • Masturbation Material: BURNING [muthafuckin] ANGEL
  • I Have a Crush on: see fantasy
  • Perfect Match: My hubby :)
  • Drink: DIRRRRRTY M@rtini, just ask Mitch.
  • Smoke: very rarely
  • Bad Habits: thats my business, kthnks!
  • Where I Hang Out: Bars, shows, clothing stores, online.
  • Favorite Burning Angel: see fantasy
  • Why I am a Burning Angel: I support ANY movement that helps prove that you dont have to be a straight razor to be attractive, that body mods are beautiful, sexy, and attractive.
Calavera Cupcakes and Hardware/horror movie screening with Kleio!
09.29.10 09:59 PM

So if you read my previous blog, you'd know that I was involved in a bad ass film festival we have here in Austin called Fantastic Fest!  The director of the independant film The Violent Kind, asked myself and Kleio to pass out FREE BEER to everyone that attended the film!  It turned out amazing!  The movie was great, the crew was so nice, and it was great hanging with Kleio again.  

After the film, the guys invited us back to their hotel room for some drinks.  We brought our friends with us and had a few beers, shared stories, and I had MOONSHINE for the first was certainly weird, but not as bad as I thought it would be.  


Unfortunately it still gave me epic DRUNKFACE, but I was happy :)


In other news, I've opened up my jewelry store finally: and my husband, some of you know him as GameOver, has decided to combine our businesses together as a gourmet bakeshop/boutique!  Soon our cupcakes will be available to order in my store!  We're doing our first bulk order this weekend, I'll keep you all updated on what recipe the client picks. Our shop is called Calavera Bakeshop and Hardware <3 

Hope everyone's doing well!  While the heat in LA skyrockets, the fall weather is just arriving in this would be the perfect time for you California cats to come visit Kleio and I here in Tx!


Comments (4)
09.30.10 06:09 PM  
Best of luck, Genocide. You sending cupcakes over this way?
09.30.10 06:09 PM  
Best of luck, Genocide. You sending cupcakes over this way?
09.30.10 04:16 AM  
Haaa, yeah Rev she's awesome. I think James Deen might have a crush on her too, idk. I haven't seen that video yet, I'll have to check it out!
09.30.10 04:16 AM  
Haaa, yeah Rev she's awesome. I think James Deen might have a crush on her too, idk. I haven't seen that video yet, I'll have to check it out!
09.30.10 01:07 AM  
Congrats. I think you're onto something here considering the recent Katy Perry candyland video. Nobody judge me....she has amazing boobs.
09.30.10 01:07 AM  
Congrats. I think you're onto something here considering the recent Katy Perry candyland video. Nobody judge me....she has amazing boobs.
09.29.10 11:17 PM  
Congratulations on your business venture, Miss G; your jewelry looks positively delicious :). As much as I hope Calavera Bakeshop and Hardware proves wildly successful, I hope that doesn't mean there's less chance of seeing your fine form on BA in the future. Looking at some of your Twitter pics, I was reminded of just how lovely you are, and it's left me longing for more...
09.29.10 11:17 PM  
Congratulations on your business venture, Miss G; your jewelry looks positively delicious :). As much as I hope Calavera Bakeshop and Hardware proves wildly successful, I hope that doesn't mean there's less chance of seeing your fine form on BA in the future. Looking at some of your Twitter pics, I was reminded of just how lovely you are, and it's left me longing for more...
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